Library news archive
Library news 2024
WUR Software Management Plan template available
Are you missing credits in your Tenure Track credit calculation?
The making of the new portrait gallery
Is research data protected by copyright?
New journals and databases in 2024
Pilot learning trajectory information literacy
Library Dialogue | How can we open up our education at WUR?
Speed up your systematic review with ASReview LAB
“Without SciFinder-n, I wouldn't be able to do my job”
Should I put an embargo on my PhD thesis?
Library news 2023
Access to the Financieele Dagblad through the FD app
Cite and refer to images and figures with EndNote
Can you credit ChatGPT as a co-author?
Can ChatGPT do my literature search for me?
New printers in the Library: everything you need to know
Collections in the spotlight: Flowers of the Brazilian forest
Stories Plants Tell: Flora Batava 1800-1934
Tool tip: Tools for a literature review or systematic review
Vacancies scientific information specialist & application manager RDM
Research@WUR reaches milestone: over 300,000 Research Outputs and counting