About Green Office Wageningen

The Green Office Wageningen fosters a culture of collaboration, innovation, and sustainability across WUR. We envision a future at WUR where all community members work together to create a more environmentally conscious, socially responsible, and healthy institution.

Green Office Wageningen supports Wageningen University & Research (WUR) to be a frontrunner in sustainability. We aim to do so by providing an internal critical voice within WUR, giving advice, and reflecting on internal policy makers‘ decisions. GOW envisions a future at WUR where all community members work together to create a more environmentally conscious, socially responsible, and healthy institution.

Get in touch with us if...
...you would like to work with us on an existing project,
...have an idea for a new collaboration,
...or if you need advice on a topic regarding sustainability at WUR!

Our vision is comprised of three elements

✅ Network   

As a network, we believe that the passion and innovative ideas of students, researchers, staff, and policy makers are essential to driving sustainable change at WUR.

By connecting individuals from different disciplines, backgrounds, and areas of expertise, we aspire to be a hub where ideas can be shared, knowledge can be exchanged, and collaborations can be formed.

✅ Visibility

GOW strives to be the go-to place for sustainable dialogue, information, action, and to be widely recognized both within and outside of WUR, as a hub for sustainability.

Through effective communication channels, both physically and digitally, we aim to facilitate engagement with the Green Office, provide access to resources, and foster connections within the community.  

✅ Impact

We aspire to make an impact by facilitating valuable, sustainable changes within WUR. Our initiatives target peoples’ mindset and behavior and policies that guide WUR.

We continue to make an impact by supporting sustainable projects, organizing activities, assisting WUR’s sustainable transformation, and connecting stakeholders within WUR.

Roles at Green Office Wageningen

The Green Office team consists of one general manager, five student coordinators, and an enthusiastic group of volunteers. Each coordinator is responsible for a specific aspect of sustainability at the university:

Campus & Operations

Icon Campus & Operations role Green Office Wageningen

The Campus & Operations role focuses on the operations of WUR and includes projects that challenge our university to run its business in a sustainable manner. The main topics are circularity/waste/material flow management, mobility, water, biodiversity, climate adaptation, energy and IT. The aim is to reduce the environmental impact of the university and create a sustainable learning environment for all students and staff.

Food & Society

The Food & Society portfolio addresses topics related to the intersection of food and health, as well as social sustainability. Besides improving the sustainability of food and beverage related operations at WUR, this role also promotes a socially inclusive overview of sustainability, taking intersectionality and climate justice into account. The position also explores the connection between sustainability and mental health, addressing issues such as climate anxiety.

Education & Research

The Education & Research coordinator works on improving the sustainability of education and research at WUR. The concept Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) aims at enabling higher education institutions to become sustainability leaders. The goal is to make sure that all the students gain the knowledge and develop the competencies that will enable them to become sustainable professionals in the future.

Communication & Outreach

The Communication & Outreach portfolio is about making the Green Office visible to the entire university community, both students and staff. The aim is to inspire everybody to act sustainably and to engage in making WUR a sustainable place to study and work. This involves online and offline promotional strategies, such as social media, newsletter, blog, posters, narrowcasting, and physical promotion at events.

Community & Network

The Community & Network position engages in creating and maintaining a lively sustainability community by being in contact with multiple networks on a local, national, and international level. Apart from representing the Green Office during external meetings and managing the Green Active Network, this coordinatoris also responsible for acquiring student volunteers and connecting stakeholders to achieve a larger impact.