BIO-XPS X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer
X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, also known as Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA), is an analysis tool which is based on the photo electrical effect. With this information about the composition and chemical bonding of a material surface can be obtained.
Purpose: Analysis of the elemental composition and chemical state of material surfaces to a depth of around 10nm.
The JEOL JPS-9200 X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer system is used for micro-area surface analysis of a broad range of samples. Both monochromatic and non-monochromatic x-ray sources are available (0-1450 eV). The minimum x-ray spot size is 30 microns. The ability to map larger areas is achieved with stage mapping. Charge Neutralization by electrons. Angle resolved XPS. Sputter facilities for depth profiling. The Wageningen XPS has been equipped with a Baltec Cryo stage, this means that samples can be introduced and measured under liquid nitrogen temperatures making it suitable for bio-samples. Typical sample size 8x8 mm, larger is possible.
Applications: Identification of functional groups in organic monolayers and polymer surfaces // Characterization of oxidation phases in metals, alloys, ceramic materials // Identification of surface contamination // Identification of elements in thin films, metals organic materials, powders.
Room: 7028