Public Administration and Policy Group
The mission of the Public Administration and Policy group is to study the governance of wicked problems in the interrelated domains of water and climate, food and agriculture, and energy and circular economy, and to use the generated insights to develop governance arrangements. By doing so the group aims to contribute to scientific progress, to societal debates, and to policy practice.
Chair holder
Public Administration and Policy offers a wide range of courses, thesis topics and internship opportunities. On this page you will find the information you need for your MSc thesis, BSc thesis, internships and research practice.
Recent publications
How is knowledge production and use practiced in transdisciplinary research collaboration? Examining routines for water transformation
Pathways to water-related sustainability: case survey data from 40 empirical water governance studies, complemented by expert surveys and additional case-based literature
Data and literature repository for "Climate Futures are Political Futures: Integrating Political Development Into the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs)"