Education of the Horticulture and Product Physiology group
The Horticulture and Product Physiology (HPP) group plays an important role in the education and training of future executives in the horticultural sector. We also provide courses for professionals.
WUR MSc and BSc students
Our group contributes to several BSc and MSc programmes of Wageningen University:
- HPP courses for WUR students
- MSc and BSc thesis topics at HPP
- MSc internship at HPP
- MSc research practice at HPP
- PhD research at HPP
Outreach courses for professionals
- Courses and workshops for professionals
- The experimental part of the course 'Geïntegreerd practicum natuurwetenschappen', which is organised by the Open Universiteit
More information for students
Study handbook
The study handbook contains the official information concerning the study programmes and courses of Wageningen University & Research.
Wageningen University & Research has divided the curriculum into six study and exam periods. The courses lectured in these periods can be found in the schedule.