Research of the Environmental Policy group

The globalization of environmental problems is more than ever shaping our world. Production and consumption practices around the world have driven climate change, biodiversity loss and natural resource depletion. Learn how our research at the Environmental Policy group contributes to tackling these problems.

Research themes, concepts & contexts

Our research is organised around five research themes—Energy, Food, Circularity, Biodiversity, and Climate—; four key research concepts—Mobilities, Practices, Regimes, and Technologies—; and three research contexts—Terrestrial, Marine, Atmospheric.

Research themes and concepts

Research themes

Research concepts


We examine connections and contradictions in current environmental regime-making. In doing so, we understand environmental regimes as the formal and informal rules, norms, principles, institutional architectures and networks that emerge and evolve to govern multi-scalar environmental and sustainability challenges. Learn more


We analyse practices as the basis of social life, which means understanding human action as taking place amidst a dynamic socio-material context through embodied routines and interconnecting practices, that play out at the intersection of structure and agency. Learn more


We explore how technologies, as part of socio-material practices and regimes, mediate and influence how we interpret and govern environmental challenges. Learn more


We examine the multiple and uneven relations between environmental mobilities and governance. A mobilities lens helps to understand and capture environmental issues that move, change form, and fluctuate and whose governance is not (yet) institutionalized. Learn more