Publications based on Sinderhoeve activities.
Data for: Size- and sex-related sensitivity differences of aquatic crustaceans to imidacloprid
Comparing the acute and chronic toxicity of flupyradifurone and imidacloprid to non-target aquatic arthropod species
Field test of the TOXSWA pesticide fate model : Comparison of simulated and observed chlorpyrifos in water, sediment and macrophytes in four stagnant ditches
Seasonal dynamics of the macrophyte test species Myriophyllum spicatum over two years in experimental ditches for population modelling application in risk assessment
The toxicity and toxicokinetics of imidacloprid and a bioactive metabolite to two aquatic arthropod species
Environmental exposure to cadmium reduces the primary antibody-mediated response of wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) from differentially polluted locations in the Netherlands
Beebread consumption by honey bees is fast : results of a six-week field study
Pollination increases white and narrow-leaved lupin protein yields but not all crop visitors contribute to pollination
The influence of horizontal and vertical biodiversity on the effects of stressors on aquatic ecosystems
Zijn er nog ondergedoken waterplanten in de Molenpolder bij Tienhoven? : Onderzoek naar de vitaliteit van de zaadbank in waterbodems van de Molenpolder bij Tienhoven in de provincie Utrecht
Community composition modifies direct and indirect effects of pesticides in freshwater food webs
Influence of pH on the toxicity of ionisable pharmaceuticals and personal care products to freshwater invertebrates
Sediment toxicity of the fungicide fludioxonil to benthic macroinvertebrates -evaluation of the tiered effect assessment procedure
Response of a nematode community to the fungicide fludioxonil in sediments of outdoor freshwater microcosms compared to a single species toxicity test
Mass-migrating bumblebees: an overlooked phenomenon with potential far-reaching implications for bumblebee conservation
Toxicity of sediment-bound lufenuron to benthic arthropods in laboratory bioassays
Aquatic Toxicology (2018), Volume: 198 - ISSN 0166-445X - p. 118-128. -
Exposure and effects of sediment-spiked fludioxonil on macroinvertebrates and zooplankton in outdoor aquatic microcosms
Science of the Total Environment (2018), Volume: 610-611 - ISSN 0048-9697 - p. 1222-1238. -
The combined and interactive effects of zinc, temperature, and phosphorus on the structure and functioning of a freshwater community
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (2018), Volume: 37, Issue: 9 - ISSN 0730-7268 - p. 2413-2427. -
Calibration and validation of toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic models for three neonicotinoids and some aquatic macroinvertebrates
Ecotoxicology (2018), Volume: 27, Issue: 7 - ISSN 0963-9292 - p. 992-1007. -
Effects of the herbicide metsulfuron-methyl on a plant community, including seed germination success in the F1 generation
Frontiers in Environmental Science (2017), Volume: 5, Issue: MAR - ISSN 2296-665X
Effects of sediment-spiked lufenuron on benthic macroinvertebrates in outdoor microcosms and single-species toxicity tests
Aquatic Toxicology (2016), Volume: 177 - ISSN 0166-445X - p. 464-475. -
The effects of zinc on the structure and functioning of a freshwater community : A microcosm experiment
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (2016), Volume: 35, Issue: 11 - ISSN 0730-7268 - p. 2698-2712. -
Trait-based modelling of bioaccumulation by freshwater benthic invertebrates
Aquatic Toxicology (2016), Volume: 176 - ISSN 0166-445X - p. 88-96. -
Flood-ring formation and root development in response to experimental flooding of young Quercus robur trees
Frontiers in Plant Science (2016), Volume: 7, Issue: JUNE2016 - ISSN 1664-462X -
Acute and chronic toxicity of neonicotinoids to nymphs of a mayfly species and some notes on seasonal differences
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (2016), Volume: 35, Issue: 1 - ISSN 0730-7268 - p. 128-133.
Op het spoor van de boktor
Species interactions and chemical stress combined effects of intraspecific and interspecific interactions and pyrene n Daphnia magna populations dynamics
How TK-TD and population models for aquatic macrophytes could support the risk assessment for plant protection products
Sediment properties in five Dutch watercourses : indicative measurements for the registration procedure of plant protection products in The Netherlands
Sediment properties in five Dutch watercourses : indicative measurements for the registration procedure of plant protection products in The Netherlands
Equilibrium and kinetic modeling of contaminant immobilization by activated carbon amended to sediments in the field
Uptake, translocation and elimination in sediment-rooted macrophytes: A model-supported analysis of whole sediment toxicity test data
Aquatische exoten vroeg detecteren via eDNA : case study rivierkreeften
Assessing effects of the fungicide tebuconazole to heterotrophic microbes in aquatic microcosms
Chronic aquatic effect assessment for the fungicide azoxystrobin
Effects of linuron on a rooted aquatic macrophyte in sediment-dosed test systems
In situ Treatment with Activated Carbon Reduces Bioaccumulation in Aquatic Food Chains
Bioturbation and dissolved organic matter enhance contaminant fluxes from sediment treated with powdered and granular activated carbon
Interactive effects of pH, temperature and light during ammonia toxicity events in Elodea canadensis
The neonicotinoid imidachloprid shows high chronic toxicity to mayfly nymphs
Can time-weighted average concentrations be used to assess the risks of metsulfuron-methyl to Myriophyllum spicatum under different time-variable exposure regimes?
Chemosphere (2011), Volume: 85, Issue: 6 - ISSN 0045-6535 - p. 1017-1025. -
Consequences of acclimation to Microcystis on the selective feeding behavior of the calanoid copepod Eudiaptomus gracilis
Limnology and Oceanography (2011), Volume: 56, Issue: 6 - ISSN 0024-3590 - p. 2103-2114. -
Competitive interactions between co-occurring invaders: identifying asymmetries between two invasive crayfish species
Biological Invasions (2011), Volume: 13, Issue: 8 - ISSN 1387-3547 - p. 1791-1803. -
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in honey: comparison of analytical methods
Food Additives & Contaminants. Pt. A, Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure & Risk Assessment (2011), Volume: 28, Issue: 3 - ISSN 1944-0049 - p. 332-347. -
Variability in the dynamics of mortality and immobility responses of freshwater arthropods exposed to chlorpyrifos
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (2011), Volume: 60, Issue: 4 - ISSN 0090-4341 - p. 708-721. -
Effects of aquatic vegetation type on denitrification
Biogeochemistry (2011), Volume: 104, Issue: 1-3 - ISSN 0168-2563 - p. 267-274. -
Warming can boost denitrification disproportionately due to altered oxygen dynamics
PLoS ONE (2011), Volume: 6, Issue: 3 - ISSN 1932-6203 -
Effects of time-variable exposure regimes of the insecticide chlorpyrifos on freshwater invertebrate communities in microcosms
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (2011), Volume: 30, Issue: 6 - ISSN 0730-7268 - p. 1383-1394. -
Effects of the veterinary pharmaceutical ivermectin in indoor aquatic microcosms
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (2011), Volume: 60, Issue: 1 - ISSN 0090-4341 - p. 77-89.
Macroinvertebrate responses to insecticide application between sprayed and adjacent non-sprayed ditch sections of different sizes
Effect of temperature and nutrients on the competition between free-floating Salvinia natans and submerged Elodea nuttallii in mesocosms
Toxicokinetic variation in 15 freshwater arthropod species exposed to the insecticide chlorpyrifos
The species sensivity distribution approach compared to a micrososm study: A case study with the fungicide fluazinam
Effecten van rode- en geknobbelde Amerikaanse rivierkreeften op waterplanten en waterkwaliteit
Impact of benzoyl urea insecticide on aquatic macroinvertebrates in ditch mesocosms with and without non-sprayed sections
Effecten van de rode Amerikaanse rivierkreeft op de vegetatie en macrofauna van sloten
Effects of the pyrethroid insecticide gamma-cyhalothrin on aquatic invertebrates in laboratory and outdoor microcosm tests
Effects of four fungicides on nine non-target submersed macrophytes
Responses of zooplankton in lufenuron-stressed experimental ditches in the presence or absence of uncontaminated refuges
Interactions between nutrients and organic micro-pollutants in shallow freshwater ecosystems
Use of open-top chambers to study the effect of climate change in aquatic ecosystems
Sensitivity of submersed freshwater macrophytes and endpoints in laboratory toxicity tests
Effects of the herbicide 2,4-D on the growth of nine aquatic macrophytes
Aquatic Botany (2007), Volume: 86, Issue: 3 - ISSN 0304-3770 - p. 260-268. -
Setting critical nutrient values for ditches using the eutrophication model PCDitch
Aquatic Ecology (2007), Volume: 41, Issue: 3 - ISSN 1386-2588 - p. 443-449.
Ecological effects of Spring and late Summer applications of Lambda-Cyhalothrin on freshwater microcosms
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (2006), Volume: 50, Issue: 2 - ISSN 0090-4341 - p. 220-239. -
Impact of triphenyltin acetate in microcosms simulating floodplain lakes; II comparison of species sensitivity distributions between laboratory and semi-field
Ecotoxicology (2006), Volume: 15, Issue: 5 - ISSN 0963-9292 - p. 411-424. -
Impact of triphenyltin acetate in microcosms simulating floodplain lakes; I influence of sediment quality
Ecotoxicology (2006), Volume: 15, Issue: 3 - ISSN 0963-9292 - p. 267-293. -
Ecological impact in ditch mesocosms of simulated spray drift from a crop protection program for potatoes
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (2006), Volume: 2, Issue: 2 - ISSN 1551-3793 - p. 105-125.
Effects of lambda-cyhalothrin in two ditch microcosm systems of different trophic status
Influence of sediment quality on the responses of benthic invertebrates after treatment with the fungicide triphenyltin acetate
Alkoxyresorufin-O-deethylase activities and polychlorinated biphenyl patterns in shrews as biomarkers in environmental risk assessments: sensitivity and specificity
Effects of chlorpyrifos in freshwater model ecosystems: the influence of experimental conditions on ecotoxicological thresholds
Growth limitation of Lemna minor due to high plant density
Comparison of laboratory single species and field population-level effects of the pyrethroid insecticide lambda-cyhalothrin on freshwater invertebrates
Fate of the insecticide lambda-cyhalothrin in ditch enclosures differing in vegetation density
The effects of a pesticide mixture on aquatic ecosystems differing in trophic status: responses of the macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum and the periphytic algal community
Leistra, M., Zweers, A.J., Warinton, J.S., Crum, S.J.H., Hand, L.H., Beltman, W.H.J., Maund, S.J. (2003)
Simulation of air temperature inside the canopy by the LAPS surface scheme.
Mihailovic, D.T., Lalic, B., Arsenic, I., Eitzinger, J. and Dusanic, N. (2002)
Fate of the insecticide lambda-cyhalothrin in ditch enclosures differing in vegetation density.
Leistra, M., Zweers, A.J., Warinton, J.S., Crum, S.J.H., Hand, L.H., Beltman, W.H.J., Maund, S.J. (2002)
Van den Brink, PJ. Ecological and statistical evaluation of effects of pesticides in freshwater model ecosystems. PhD Thesis Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Van Geest, G. J., Zwaardemaker, N. G., Van Wijngaarden, R. P. A., Cuppen, J. G. M., Effects of a pulsed treatment with the herbicide afalon (active ingredient linuron) on macrophyte-dominated mesocosms. II. Structural responses. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 12, pp 2866-2874.
Crum, S. J. H., van Kammen-Polman, A. M. M., Leistra M., 1999. Sorption of Nine Pesticides to Three Aquatic Macrophytes. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Volume 37, Issue 3, pp 310-316.
Dolman, A.J., Moors, E.J., Elbers, J.A., 1999. Verdamping van kale grond in de winter. STROMINGEN 5, nummer 3.
Crum, S. J. H., Aalderink, G. H., Brock, T. C. M., Fate of the herbicide Linuron in outdoor experimental ditches. Chemosphere, 36, pp 2175-2190.
Jacobs, A. F. G. and De Bruin, H.A.R. Makkink’s equation for evapotranspiration applied to unstressed maize. Hydrological Processes 12(7): 1063-1066.
Ronday, R., Aalderink, G.A., Crum, S.J.H., 1998. Application methods of pesticides to an aquatic mesocosm in order to simulate effects of spray drift. Water Research. Volume 32, Issue 1, Pages 147–153.
Snel, J.F.H, Vos, J.H., Gylstra, R, Brock, T.C.M., 1998. Inhibition of photosystem II (PSII) electron transport as a convenient endpoint to assess stress of the herbicide linuronon freshwater plants. Aquat. Ecol. 32, 113–123.
Van Wijngaarden, R.P.A., Crum, S.J.H., Decraene, K., Hattink, J., VanKammen,A., 1998. Toxicicity of derosal (active ingredient carbendazim) to aquatic invertebrates. Chemosphere 37 (4), 673–683.
Mihailovic, D.T. and Kallos, G. A sensitivity study of a coupled soil-vegetation boundary-layer scheme for use in atmospheric modeling. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 82(2): 283-315.
Breure AM; Wind BS; Crum SJH; Rutgers M., 1997. Naar een indicator voor functionele diversiteit van microbiele gemeenschappen. RIVM rapport 607601001.
Kersting, K. and Van den Brink, P.J. (1997). Effects of the insecticide Durban4E (a.i. chlorpyrifos) in outdoor experimental ditches. Responses of ecosystem metabolism.Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 16, 251–9.
Ruml, M., 1997. Parameterization of heat, moisture and momentum transfer between soil with vegetation and boundary layer of atmosphere. Review of research work at the Faculty of Agriculture, Volume: 42, Issue: 1
Vos, J.A. de, Smit A.L., Grotenhuis, J.T.C., Rappoldt, C., 1997. PROCESMONITORING VAN BODEMLUCHT-VENTILATIE ONDER GECONDITIONEERDE OMSTANDIGHEDEN OP SEMI-VELDSCHAAL. Nederlands Onderzoeksprogramma Biotechnologische In-situ Sanering, Gouda, CUR/NOBIS.
P.J. Van den Brink, E.M. Hartgers, U. Fettweis, S.J.H. Crum, E. Van Donk, T.C.M. Brock, 1997. Sensitivity of macrophyte-dominated freshwater microcosms to chronic levels of the herbicide Linuron. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., 38 (1997), pp. 13–24
Mihailović, D.T., Ruml, M., 1996. Design of land-air parameterization scheme (LAPS) for modelling boundary layer surface processes. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Volume 58, Issue 1-4, pp 65-81.
Portielje, R., K. Kersting, L. Lijklema, 1996. Primary production estimation from continuous oxygen measurements in relation to external nutrient input. Water Res., 30 (1996), pp. 625–643.
Ruml, M., Mihailovic, D.T., 1996. Prediction of evapotranspiration rate and leaf temperature using Land-Air Parameterisation Scheme (LAPS). Journal of Scientific Agricultural Research. Volume: 57 Issue: 3-4.
Verdonschot, P. F. M. 1996. Oligochaetes and eutrophication: an experiment over four years in outdoor mesocosms. Hydrobiologia 334:169–183.
Donkers, H., 1995. De invloed van linuron op de fotosynthese-efficiëntie van macrofyten, perifyton en fytoplankton in proefsloten. Scriptie Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen, vakgroep Plantenfysiologie. 46, [25] bl ill.
Montanes JFC, VanHattum B, Deneer J (1995) Bioconcentration of chlorpyrifos by the fresh water isopod Asellus aquaticus (L) in outdoor experimental ditches. Environ Poll 88:137–146.
Portielje, R. & R. M. M. Roijackers, 1995. Primary succession of aquatic macrophytes in experimental ditches in relation to nutrient input. Aquatic Botany 50: 127–140.
Portielje R & Lijklema L (1995) Carbon dioxide fluxes across the air-water interface and its
impact on carbon availability in aquatic systems. Limnol. Oceanogr. 40: 690–699
Crum, S.J.H., Brock T.C.M., 1994. Fate of chlorpyrifos in indoor microcosms and outdoor experimental ditches.
I.R. Hill, F. Heimbach, P. Leeuwangh, P. Matthiessen (Eds.), Freshwater Field Tests for Hazard Assessment of Chemicals, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL (1994), pp. 315–322.
Deneer JW., 1994. Bioconcentration of chlorpyrifos by the threespined tickleback under laboratory and field conditions. Chemosphere 1994;29:1561-1575.
Jacobs, A. F. G., Van Boxel, J. H., El-Kilani R. M. M., 1994. Nighttime free convection characteristics within a plant canopy. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Volume 71, Issue 4, pp 375-391.
Mihailović, D.T, Jeftić, M., 1994. An efficient but simple biophysical scheme UNICOS for use in different scale atmospheric models. Environmental Software, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 47–60.
Portielje, R. 1994. Response of shallow aquatic ecosystems to different nutrient loading levels. PhD thesis, Agricultural University Wageningen, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
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Kerkum F.C.M., 1992. Rekolonisatie door migratie van vliegende aquatische insekten. Biologie, afd. AOBE, RIZA, Lelystad. werkdoc.nr.: 92.155X.
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Giessen, A. van der, 1985. Evaluatie van het verdampings- en droogteschadeconcept van DEMGEN, deel II, toetsing voor suikerbieten op het ICW-proefterrein Sinderhoeve, Directie Waterhuishouding en Waterbeweging, Den Haag.
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Smelt, J.H., Schut C.J. & Leistra. M., 1983. Movement and conversion of aldicarb and its oxidation products in columns of grassed and fallow soil. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes , Volume 18, Issue 6, pages 645-665.
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Verdonschot, M.G., 1981. Invloed van bemesting en grondwaterstand op de processen in bodem en grondwater : onderzoek aan diepe lysimeters op Sinderhoeve. Wageningen : Instituut voor Cultuurtechniek en Waterhuishouding (Nota / Instituut voor Cultuurtechniek en Waterhuishouding no. 1250) - 78 p.
Smelt, J.H., Leistra, M and Voerman, S., 1977., Movement and rate of decomposition of ethoprophos in soil columns under field conditions. Pesticide Science, Volume 8, Issue 2, pages 147–151.
Stigter, C.J., 1976. Precipitation measurements above a maize crop. Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie, Volume 24, Issue 1-2, pp 95-108.
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Fonck, H., 1969.Uitdrogingsonderzoek Sinderhoeve 1968. Wageningen : ICW (Nota / Instituut voor Cultuurtechniek en Waterhuishouding no. 504) - 58 p.
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