Compare the master's Biotechnology
Via the master's Biotechnology you become expert in an area of biotechnology. You can apply your own expertise in interdisciplinary biotechnological projects and processes. The study programme offers you the opportunity to specialise in the following fields:
- Cellular molecular biotechnology
- Process technology
- Medical biotechnology
- Environmental & biobased technology
- Food biotechnology
In each specialisation, you follow one year of specialised courses and conduct one year of research through a graduation thesis and an internship outside the university.
Compare the programme in Wageningen
Master's Biobased Sciences: The specialisation Biorefinery and Conversion in Biobased Sciences and Environmental and Biobased Technology in Biotechnology have a lot in common. The difference lies in the focus: in Biotechnology you become a specialist in the technological part of biobased biotechnology while in Biobased Sciences you become a specialist in building bridges between your expertise and other disciplines like Biomass Production and Circular Economy.
Master's Bioinformatics: Both programmes focus on cellular and molecular biology. While Biotechnology combines this field with engineering, Bioinformatics makes the combination with computer sciences and mathematics.
Master's Plant Biotechnology: This study programme focuses on plants as entire organisms, while MSc Biotechnology focuses on cells only. Those cells are purchased from all types of organisms and are cultivated in reactors.
Master's Food Technology: It is possible to follow the specialisation Food Biotechnology in both the master's Biotechnology and Food Technology study programmes. Food Technology focusses more on the product while the process is the focus in Biotechnology.
Master's Biosystems Engineering: In both programmes you can focus on mathematics, process engineering and control technology. The difference is that MSc Biosystems Engineering mainly focusses on production systems linked to farms while Biotechnology is mainly focused on technology on a cellular level and on organisms which are grown in reactors.