Housing in Wageningen


Idealis is the student accommodation provider in Wageningen, Bennekom and Ede and owns 5,400 housing units. Wageningen University PhD candidates can also rent a room from Idealis. Visit the Idealis website for the current procedure.

When are you eligible for housing offered by Idealis?

As a WUR PhD candidate you are welcome to rent from Idealis if you are registered in the PhD Candidates Information System (Hora Finita). Note that you must be officially admitted and that the status of your registration in Hora Finita is no longer "in progress”. You will not be registered in Hora Finita if you do not obtain your PhD in Wageningen.

You can respond to the offers from Idealis via www.room.nl. Room.nl is a national platform where rooms offered by professional corporations, including Idealis, are published and where you can respond to the offers.

To be able to respond to the offers you must create a ROOM account. If you are coming to Wageningen on a temporary basis as a PhD candidate, often you will only find out about this a short time in advance. However, to make sure you find somewhere to live in time, you will need to register at ROOM.nl as early as possible. The waiting time you build up determines whether you qualify for accommodation. You will have a better ranking if you have been registered for longer.

Unfurnished rooms are literally unfurnished, i.e. no bed, desk, closet or curtains.


Priority arrangements exist for scholarship PhD candidates coming to the Netherlands for the first time. Keep in mind that if you are coming with your family no priority arrangements are available for family rooms. You must be officially admitted and also the status of your registration in HORA FINITA is no longer "in progress". To request room priority your first promotor needs to send the completed priority registration form to Doctoral Service Centre: immigration.dsc@wur.nl.

Priority for the academic year 2024 - 2025 is open from 16 september 2024 to 30 April 2025. Applications will only be taken into consideration when they are sent by (coming from the email address of) the first promotor to immigration.dsc@wur.nl.

After approval of the application the priority will be activated by Idealis max. 2 months prior to the date of arrival of your 1st visit. Priority will be valid for 2 months and solely applies to Idealis rooms that become available between October 1 and April 30. Please keep in mind to only apply for priority when you are actively looking for a room from October 1 onwards.

Note: Make sure that you are registered at ROOM.nl to be able to use room priority.


Beware of scammers
PhD candidates looking for a room in Wageningen (other than through Idealis/Room.nl) should be wary of scams to prevent paying for a non-existent room. Some indications that can be used to identify scammers are:

  • The landlord does not allow you (or another person) to view the room or flat before you have to transfer money.
  • There is a high time pressure (the first person to sign the contract gets the room).
  • The person posting the ad on (for instance) Facebook has little or no information on their personal page.
  • Advertisements contain anomalous details in the use of language or the advertisement contains incorrect information (such as that a flat is “near a shopping mall”, which we don’t have in Wageningen).

KopieID app

Kopie ID.png

Landlords (other than Idealis where you upload a copy of your passport in your personal online account on Room.nl) are allowed to ask for personal information and your ID number, but not for a copy of your passport or your citizen service number. In case you do want to make a secure copy of your ID we strongly advise you to use the KopieID app.

Please read all about this app on this website of the Dutch Government. You can download the KopieID app at the  Apple App Store or Google Play Store. The app is a publication of the National Office for Identity Data, part of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations of the Netherlands.

Find out more

Useful Facebook groups

(All independent from Wageningen University and Research)

Wageningen Student Plaza: The Facebook group for Wageningen Students. Besides second hands stuff also rooms are offered here. Or you can ask if someone in this group knows about an available room.

Wageningen Room Sublets Mostly temporary rooms.

Wageningen Student Housing

Hoefweg Ede

Also, some Facebook groups exist that are established by- and meant for people from certain nationalities. You may find a room or help in general more easily here.

Rent benefits

In some cases, one can receive rent benefit from the Dutch government. Information about rent benefits can be found on the site of the Dutch Tax Administration.