MSc thesis Forest Ecology and Forest Management
Welcome to the exciting world of Forest Ecology and Forest Management! We have a wide range of thesis projects ranging from fundamental to applied questions, where you can study from the plant- to the ecosystem level, in the temperate or tropical zone through field studies, experiments, lab studies, or modelling.
The MSc-thesis develops your ability to set up and to carry out a scientific research project in an independent manner. This challenge includes to:
- define and delineate your research topic,
- build a sound theoretical framework for orientation of the research,
- generate proper research questions and/or testable hypotheses,
- develop methods to address your questions and hypotheses,
- collect data in a systematic and verifiable manner,
- analyse the data,
- present the results to others,
- draw sound conclusions,
- place your contribution in context.
How to choose an interesting subject?
- Search our FEM THESIS DATABASE by topic, by region, by supervisor or see them all.
- For more inspiration check our list of current Staff and Phd research projects. Contact the researcher or supervisor to find out what possibilities there are for you.
- You can also come up with your own project ideas, or do your research, via us, with another research institute in the world. Contact our thesis coordinator.
Before starting any thesis activities..
- Check with the study advisor of your study programme wether you can start a thesis project.
- Look at the "Thesis Guidelines FEM" for preparing an MSc-thesis or information on procedures and guidelines
- Make an appointment with our thesis coordinator.