Education at FNP

The Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group offers a wide range of courses in different educational programmes such as the bachelor's programmeForest and Nature Management (BBN), master's programme Forest and Nature Conservation (MFN), the Sustainable Diplomacy track (SDD) and various PHD courses and opportunities.

Bachelor's programme at FNP

The Dutch Bachelor's programme Forest and Nature Management aims at the understanding and management of forest and nature areas and the societal aspects of nature. By doing so, students of this bachelor's course will be able to contribute to sustainable management, academic research  and nature conservation. The working field ranges from urban forests and floodplains in the Netherlands to tropical rain forests, savannah and tundras all over the world. FNP looks at this field from a societal perspective.

Bachelor's thesis students are welcome to do their theses at the Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group. Students can choose a topic related to any of the ongoing research and research projects of FNP. For inspiration, current and future Bachelor's students can consult the list of FNP thesis topics and research projects. You are also invited to submit and discuss your own ideas. ou are also invited to submit and discuss your own ideas. The theses can be written in either Dutch or English. Make an appointment with the thesis coordinator Eugenie van Heijgen in order to prepare the start of your Bachelor's thesis on time.

FNP has a wide variety of interesting topics for thesis assignments.

Important documents can be found at the right side of this page.

Master's programme at FNP

The Forest and Nature Conservation Master's programme focuses on policy, sustainable management and conservation of forest and nature, i.e. understanding and predicting the effect of phenomena such as deforestation, biodiversity loss, ecotourism, timber production and human - animal interactions.

Students interested in sustainable development can also choose to join the Sustainable Development Diplomacy SDD master track.

The writing of a master's thesis is the biggest achievement of students in their academic education and it takes a prominent position within the entire master's program. After completing introductory and advanced courses in the educational programme, the master's thesis offers the challenge to set up and carry out a scientific research project in an almost fully self-responsible way.

In order to have a timely and smooth start of your master's thesis, we advise you to make an appointment for an exploratory talk with the FNP thesis coordinator Jim van Laar. For some interesting thesis topics, you can:

  1. visit the yearly FNP thesis fair in February and talk to the teachers
  2. link up with existing research and consult the list of topics offered by teaching staff on this website 
  3. speak to the teachers during courses or by e-mail and come up with your own topic or idea.

Important documents related to the thesis process can be found to the right side of this page.