People of the Sociology of Development and Change Group

Research and teaching staff

PhD & postdoctoral researchers

Getu Alene
External PhD researcher

Sandra Santos Valencia External PhD researcher

Marie Fidele Tuyisenge Sandwich PhD researcher

Aubaine Hirwa
Sandwich PhD researcher

Jean Paul Kayumba
Sandwich PhD researcher

Basundhara Tripathy
External PhD researcher

Tom King
PhD researcher

Vincent Habumugisha
External PhD researcher

Clement Uwizeye
Sandwich PhD researcher

Amagoin Keita
External PhD researcher

Reny Ayu Wulandari
Sandwich PhD researcher

Richard Nasasira
External PhD researcher

Jean Claude Twahirwa Sandwich PhD researcher

Naomi Kandawini
Sandwich PhD researcher

Dhee Dhee
PhD researcher

Sanne Derks

Postdoctoral researcher

Gilberthe Benimana Uwera
Sandwich PhD researcher

Support staff


Prof. LE (Leontine) Visser, Professor Emeritus (click on the photo for contact details)
Prof. LE (Leontine) Visser, Professor Emeritus (click on the photo for contact details)
dr AMG (Alberto) Arce, Associate Professor Emeritus
dr AMG (Alberto) Arce, Associate Professor Emeritus

In memory

dr PGM (Paul) Hebinck, Associate Professor Emeritus
dr PGM (Paul) Hebinck, Associate Professor Emeritus
Monique Nuijten, Associate Professor
Monique Nuijten, Associate Professor