Human-Landscape Interaction
We study human-landscape interactions over a range of spatial and temporal scales, using geological, geomorphological, archaeological and historical data. We focus on soil and water quality, and land use sustainability.
Our Human-Landscape Interaction projects
Our Human-Landscape Interaction senior scientists
dr. R (Roy) van Beek
Landscape archaeology; interdisciplinary research; cultural heritage management -
dr. JHJ (Jasper) Candel
River restoration, resilient landscapes -
dr. JA (Julian) Helfenstein
Agricultural development pathways; visions/scenarios for future land use -
dr. A (Annegret) Larsen
Soil and landscape resiliance -
dr. IM (Ingrid) Lubbers
Soil biodiversity -
dr. PSJ (Philip) Minderhoud
Subsidence of coastal-deltaic areas; creating awareness and coping strategies -
dr.ir. VL (Titia) Mulder
Soil carbon dynamics, ecosystem dynamics, and climate change adaptation -
dr. JM (Jeroen) Schoorl
Erosion -
dr.ir. JJ (Jetse) Stoorvogel
Soil fertility management, tropical soil related diseases -
prof.dr. J (Jakob) Wallinga
Ecosystem services on landscape level