Researchers of the Knowledge, Technology and Innovation Group publish in scientific journals, professional journals, scientific and popular books, and proceedings.
View the complete publication list of the KTI Group, including those of the former Technology and Agrarian Development (TAD) and Communication and Innovation Studies (CIS) groups.
Recent Publications
Urban Political Ecology (2025) - ISSN 3049-7515 - p. 1-7. -
The semantics of research Data Management Plans : Lessons from analysing DMPs across diverse use cases with heterogeneous data for high-tech solutions in low-tech environments
Wageningen University & Research (Wageningen Social & Economic Research 2025-004) -
Selling extinction : The politics of cheetah conservation in Namibia : “Cheetah capital of the world”
Wageningen University. Promotor(en): A. Hardon, co-promotor(en): D. Ludwig - Wageningen: Wageningen University -
So kann Deutschland eine neue Chipindustrie aufbauen
Hoogwaardiger gebruik van reststromen voor diervoeder : Bondig overzicht van huidige agro-reststroombestemmingen, en kansen en belemmeringen voor hoogwaardigere inzet van agro-reststromen in Nederland
Wageningen: Wageningen Food & Biobased Research (Rapport / Wageningen Wageningen Food & Biobased Research 2580) -
CropMix: Driving the Transition to Agro-Ecological Crop Farming
Relational autonomy highlights how interdependencies shift in the transformation of food provisioning
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development (2025), Volume: 14, Issue: 2 - ISSN 2152-0801 -
Trump in Wageningen
Epigenetic editing in cardiovascular medicine : moving beyond the hype
Nature Reviews Cardiology (2025) - ISSN 1759-5002 -
Masculine Tools and Feminine Tasks : The Dynamic Interplay of Gender and Technology Through System of Rice Intensification
International Journal of Rural Management (2025) - ISSN 0973-0052