Opening Academic Year 2024-2025

Wageningen University & Research annually celebrates the Opening of the Academic Year. Renowned speakers share their views on a current topic. On 2 September, the 106th Opening of the Academic Year, 2024-2025, will take place. This year's theme is The Water-Food Connection: Ensuring Future Food Security.

Opening Academic Year 2024-2025 | The Water-Food Connection: Ensuring Future Food Security

Wageningen University & Research cordially invites you to attend the ceremony of the Opening of the Academic Year 2024-2025, on Monday 2 September 2024 from 16:00 - 17:30hrs, in Omnia at Wageningen Campus and online.

Throughout our history, we have strived to strike a delicate balance between humanity's need to produce food and nourish a growing population, with safeguarding the well-being of our planet and its diverse species. Climate change imposes new and unforeseen challenges.

During this opening academic year, we will share our latest insights on the effects of changing freshwater availability and management on food security.

We hope that you will join us for this year’s celebration. Registration will be possible within a few weeks.