Data Science Education
Wageningen University and Research has designated Data Science as one of its focal themes, because both research and industry are showing a growing interest in utilising the potential of data. It is WUR’s ambition to deliver domain experts with the required high tech skills and knowledge. This multidisciplinary expertise will allow us to find answers to the unprecedented challenges we face by bringing forth new technologies, smarter products, and effective solutions.
So what exactly is Data science?
The purpose of Data Science is to find patterns. A Data Scientist is a domain specialist with a specific knowledge and skills needed to collect, treat, analyse, visualise and extract actionable knowledge from domain specific (big) data.
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Data Science applied to WUR specific domains
It is essential that the Data Science skills and knowledge be combined with and applied to the WUR specific domains. The WUR education offering of Data Science courses focusses on this domain application ambition. You can choose the a Master's specialisation:
- Data Science for Health Promotion
- Data Science for Healthy and Sustainable Consumption
- Data Science for Health
Here below you can find a visualistion of the Data Science proces at Wageningen University & Research.

Future career
McKinsey Global Institute predicts extremely high demand for elite Data Scientist professionals in the coming years, due to the fast growing amount of available data, emergence of modern data processing and analysis techniques. Therefore, WUR is offering an increasing choice of education possibilities in data science.