People of the Laboratory of Virology
Scientific staff
dr.ir. AEE (Astrid) Bryon
Assistant Professor -
dr.ir. JJ (Jelke) Fros
Assistant Professor -
dr.ir. RJM (Richard) Kormelink
Associate Professor -
CI (Cristina) Llavata Peris PhD
Docent -
dr. EE (Emilyn) Matsumura
Assistant Professor -
prof.dr.ir. GP (Gorben) Pijlman
Professor -
dr.ir. VID (Vera) Ros
Associate Professor -
prof.dr.ir. RAA (Rene) van der Vlugt
Senior scientist Plant Virology, Professor
Former Staff
Jeroen Kortekaas |
Jan van Lent |
Dick Peters |
Guest workers
PhD candidates
JWM (Joyce) van Bree MSc
PhD candidate -
JH (Janna) Damen MSc
PhD candidate -
K (Kristel) Doets
PhD candidate -
jonkheer MRG (Mark) Goldman MSc
PhD candidate -
CJ (Cornelius) Gunter
PhD candidate -
HI (Hannah-Isadora) Huditz
PhD candidate -
AG (Ahmed) Hussain
PhD candidate -
LA (Linda) de Jong MSc
PhD candidate -
L (Luzhao) Li
PhD candidate -
M (Melissa) Lloyd MSc
PhD candidate -
A (Annemaria) Mattia MSc
PhD candidate -
L (Linda) van Oosten PhD
PhD candidate -
JM (Jirka) Petersen
PhD candidate -
SEJ (Sophie) van der Vlugt MSc
PhD candidate -
C (Carmen) van de Waterbeemd
PhD candidate -
W (Wessel) Willemsen
PhD candidate -
R (Rizko) Hadi
Promovendus -
R (Rizko) Hadi