Future career - BSc International Land and Water Management

Most graduates from the bachelor’s programme continue studying to complete a master’s, which qualifies them to work anywhere in the world. They may use their expertise in development projects in Africa, South America or Asia, or contribute to solutions of land and water management issues in the Netherlands and other European countries.

After graduation

Potential employers include large and small consultancy firms, universities and research institutes, public/private aid organisations and government authorities in the Netherlands and abroad.

Consultant, project manager, policy officer

Graduates in these positions issue recommendations on land and water management and coordinate projects for commissioning bodies. They may work in the Netherlands (at consulting firms such as Arcadis, Sweco or Euroconsult Mott McDonald), as well as abroad, as part of government projects, development aid or international organisations such as the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Policy officers also find employment in government institutions, including ministries, provincial authorities and district water boards.

Researcher, PhD

Another option is to conduct research at a university or research institute (e.g. Wageningen University & Research), working on research projects and earning a PhD. Other institutions offering research positions include the FAO and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), both of which have regional offices in various countries.

Information officer, teaching and training positions

These positions focus on information transfer, knowledge brokering and competence development, e.g. as a consultant with DHV Water or SNV (the Dutch organisation for developmental aid). Employees in these roles provide information and advice to farming or development organisations. Graduates also take up teaching positions at research universities, universities of applied sciences or specific training programmes.