Thesis - Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing
The thesis is a compulsory part of every Master study programme of Wageningen University & Research. A major thesis is between 24 and 39 Ects and is at least 36 Ects for the master programmes Geo-information Science (MGI), Urban Environmental Management (MUE) and Biosystems Engineering (MBE).
Geo-information science thesis topics are narrowly related to the research programme of the Laboratory of Geo-informationt Science and Remote Sensing (GIRS). This research program covers a wide range of subjects. The following main themes have been selected to delineate the laboratory's identity:
- Sensing & measuring
- Modelling & visualization
- Integrated land monitoring
- Human - space interaction
- Empowering & engaging communities
The thesis research is conducted under supervision of a staff member of the GIRS group, but might also take place in another institute or company.
- Students have to follow the GRS thesis procedure. Complete guidelines for doing a thesis Geo-information Science are available via Brightspace.
- Required documents and forms are available via Brightspace. Contact us for access to this Brightspace page.
- For the planning of the thesis research an overview with dates for the midterm presentations and colloquia are scheduled.
- Thesis topics can be selected from the GRS thesis topic list or under conditions be proposed by individual students.
- Past thesis projects can be consulted (last years)
(before 2022).
Compulsory course in
- Master Geo-Information Science (MGI)
Restricted Optional in
- Master Biosystems Engineering (MBE)
- Master Urban Environmental Management (MUE)