Tuition Fees
Payment of the tuition fee is one of the enrolment conditions. On this page you can find information on the amount of tuition fees you have to pay. How you would like to pay can be indicated via Studielink.
Are you a European student*?
Your tuition fee for the academic year 2024-2025 is €2530. As of September 1, 2024 the deduction of the tuition fee for first year bachlor's students is cancelled by the Dutch government. When you pay your tuition fee in 5 equal payments the payments will be debited on September 25, November 25, 2024, January 27, March 25 and May 26, 2025.
*Students from NL/EEA/SME1 countries pay statutory tuition fees as indicated above.
Are you a non-EU student**?
And studying in a bachelor's programme?
- Then your tuition fee for the academic year 2024-2025 is €17.300.
And studying in a master's programme?
- Then your tuition fee for the academic year 2024-2025 is €20.600
All non-EEA students who pay the Institutional fee 3 and who need an extension of enrolment after their nominal study period, can make use of the scheme that stipulates that during the first 3 months of their extension the tuition fee rate is equal to the statutory rate.
This means for bachelor students that this discount applies in the 37th, 38th and 39th month of their registration.For master's students, the discount applies in the 25th, 26th and 27th month of their registration.
This is automatically processed in the invoice.
**Students from non-NL/EEA/SME1 countries pay institutional tuition fee 3 as indicated above.
Are you studying a second bachelor's or master's programme?
The amount of tuition fee 2024-2025 for a second bachlor's programme is €13.800 and for a second (online) master's programme €14.600 for NL/EEA/SME1 students (institutional tuition fee 2). Non-NL/EEA/SME1 students pay institutional tuition fee 3 for a second bachelor's (€17.300) for a second master's (€20.600).
Note: if your enrolment for the first bachelor's or first master's overlaps with your second bachelor's or second master's for at least one month (or more), you do not need to pay the institutional tuition fee 2. Then either the statutory fee or institutional tuition fee 3 applies to you.
NL/EEA/SME1 students who take part in a part-time online master's programme 2024-2025 as a second master's pay €8.030. Non-NL/EEA/SME1 students who take part in a part-time online master's programme pay institutional tuition fee 3 (€11.330).
Do you start your second master's and does it overlap for at least 1 month
with your enrolment in your first master's, then you will pay statutory
tuition fee as a NL/EEA/SME1 student. As a non-NL/EEA/SME1 student with
both the first and second master's at WUR you do not have to pay tuition fees for the 2nd master's as long as you are not finished with your 1st master's. After graduation in the first master's you will pay institutional tuition fee 3 for the second master's.
Are you studying a part-time online master's programme?
Are you studying a premaster?
Are you studying the Joint Degree Master Water Technology?
As a non-NL/EEA/SME1 student you pay the lowest
institutional tuition fee of the participating universities. You will
pay €17.000 for the academic year 2024-2025.
Is this your second master and are you a NL/EEA/SME1 student? You need to pay €14.600.
Are you a contract student?
Tuition fees previous years
1NL/EEA/SME: from the Netherlands, European Union member state, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland or Suriname.
Disclaimer: No rights can be derived from this information. Conditions and amounts mentioned may be subject to change depending on Dutch legislation and Wageningen University & Research policies.