MSc Theses & Internships

MSc Thesis

Upon the successful completion of a substantial number of courses offered by the Hydrology and Environmental Hydraulics Group, students become eligible to undertake a Master of Science (MSc) thesis research project within the group. The MSc thesis is the most important part of the study programme. Student develop research skills and become an expert on a topic of their choice. By designing a project, collecting and analysing data, communicating findings through a written thesis and colloquium (final presentation), and a critical reflection on your own research, they complete a full research circle. This is a student’s chance to show what they have learnt at the university and you can use your thesis as proof of your quality.

Students can perform a 6-month MSc thesis (36 credits) at HWM as part of the specialisation Hydrology and Water Resources of the MSc programme Earth and Environment (MEE) or the specialisation The Physical Climate System of the MSc programme Climate Studies (MCL). There are also possibilities for minor theses (of e.g. 4 months) for students from other specialisations or programmes (if they meet the requirements).

These MSc theses encompass topics aligned with the group's five distinct research lines, and dedicated supervisors are available for each line, specialising in niche areas within those research domains. While students have the freedom to select or propose their own research topics, it is essential to ensure the presence of a qualified supervisor with expertise in the chosen area. Topics falling outside the purview of our group's supervisors' expertise cannot be pursued for research projects.

Given the large number of thesis options (research subjects) the chair group offers and the time needed for preparing the thesis work, students are advised to start the selection of a subject/supervisor a few months before the actual starting date. Please contact the HWM thesis coordinator first. They can give more information on the procedure and can facilitate the contact with a supervisor from the HWM-staff.

Contact: Kryss Waldschläger (HWM thesis coordinator)


The academic internship gives the student a unique opportunity to experience how it is to work at a consultancy firm, water board, government agency, research institute, or foreign university and will help to find a job after graduation. They work on one specific assignment and become familiar with the background of the company/organisation, the market and customers, research aims or public tasks and of course the employees of the internship provider. However, the internship is part of the curriculum, and therefore the academic level is important and the final report is an important outcome.

Students can perform a 4-month intership (24 credits) at HWM as part of the specialisation Hydrology and Water Resources of the MSc programme Earth and Environment (MEE) or the specialisation The Physical Climate System of the MSc programme Climate Studies (MCL).

Contact: Rachel Croonen (HWM internship coordinator)

Research practice

Students with (supervised) work experience on an academic level and students who did internships at a previous university (of applied sciences) are sometimes allowed to exchange the internship for a research practice (ask your study advisor). The research practice is similar to a 24-credit thesis, but contains the self reflection and career orientation aspects from an internship.

Students can perform a 4-month research practice (24 credits) at HWM as part of the specialisation Hydrology and Water Resources of the MSc programme Earth and Environment (MEE) or the specialisation The Physical Climate System of the MSc programme Climate Studies (MCL).

Contact: Kryss Waldschläger (HWM research practice coordinator)

Downloads and information

Forms for e.g. the learning agreement and assessment can be found on the HWM MSc thesis and internship Brightspace. Students who are planning to start a thesis, internship or research practice should contact the secretary (email well in advance for access to the Brightspace and more information.