
This research line studies groundwater, focusing on its occurrence, movement, distribution, and quality within the Earth's subsurface. This field explores the geological formations and aquifers that store and transport water beneath the surface, essential for understanding the availability and sustainability of groundwater resources. At HWM we employ field studies, numerical modeling, and other tools to analyze and manage groundwater systems for various applications, including water supply, environmental protection, and geological hazard assessment.


Examples of our research projects and areas

Hydrogeology of the Veluwe (Victor Bense, Syed Mustafa, Roel Dijksma)
• Impacts of water abstraction
• Drought mitigation
• Geophysical Investigations (ERT, GPR, Temperature profiling)

Permafrost hydrogeology (Victor Bense, Martine van de Ploeg, Jelte de Bruin)
• Numerical model development of permafrost thaw
• Laboratory experiments of freeze-thaw and hydrological

Hydrogeology of Caribbean Islands (Victor Bense, Roel Dijksma,
Martine van der Ploeg)
• Numerical model development of permafrost thaw
• Laboratory experiments of freeze-thaw and hydrological

Groundwater modelling and subsurface uncertainties (Syed Mustafa, Victor Bense)
• numerical modelling & uncertainty analysis of groundwater flow
• sustainable groundwater resource development,
management, and impact analysis