The GeoDesk offers geo-data, geosoftware and geo-service for education and research.
What is the GeoDesk?
The GeoDesk is the place to go for students and employees of Wageningen University & Research with questions and activities related to geo-data and geo-software.
Which services does the GeoDesk offer?
The GeoDesk is a service unit within the Geo-Information Centre. It exists to channel the availability of geo-data and geo-software, to help users on their way and to consult with them on geo-information-related questions and issues. Two examples of geo-datasets that we can provide to users are (i) a detailed topography of the Netherlands and (ii) the AHN terrain elevation grid. In addition, the GeoDesk has numerous other datasets available, Dutch as well as international.
We invite users to approach us with questions on how to apply geo-software. Or you might want to know what datasets are available and how to access them. The GeoDesk can answer these types of questions and even help you link geo-tools with specific areas of expertise.
Do you have geo-datasets to offer?
The GeoDesk is not only for those with questions, but also for those who have datasets to offer. If you have a geographical dataset that warrants general availability, then the GeoDesk can act as shop window and retailer. Products such as the LGN Dutch land-use map, the Dutch soils map, and the map of Dutch geomorphology can be made available as geo-datasets. Alternatively, datasets can be displayed through Web services, such as those linked to aerial photographs of the Netherlands.
If you have a geo-dataset to offer, please contact the GeoDesk.
Historical maps
The digital scans of historical maps we have available form a class of their own. These include, for example, the topographical map of the Netherlands around 1850. The GeoDesk also has scans of the precursor to the present topographical map of the Netherlands (the “Bonne” sheets).
Exchange of information
For the community of geo-users within Wageningen University & Research, the GeoDesk organises courses on geo-software and lunch-time seminars. In addition, the GeoDesk participates in the forum on the Platform GIS website. This forum provides a meeting place for all those at Wageningen University & Research to ask geo-questions and post tips.