Get support for your thesis and essays
The Library offers tips, workshops and individual advice on searching and referencing sources.
The Library works with the Wageningen Writing Lab to assist students in both finding and managing information for their theses or essays. This support does not replace regular teaching in information literacy but supplements it.
Online tutorials and tips
The For students pages at the Library website help students to find online content on various topics, such as searching for literature, citing and plagiarism, and reference managent tools. The e-learning modules are a good tool to interactively learn the basics of information literacy.
Workshops and demos
Students can attend lunch workshops, demos and courses offered by the Library. Consult the calendar to the right or go to the Courses and demos pages.
Appointment with an information specialist
Students can contact an information specialist by filling in this form for any help regarding information literacy (for example: systematic searching including building queries and selecting a database, organising literature, citing and referencing). One of our information specialist will get in touch with the student and will answer by email or plan an appointment with the student.
Appointment with a writing coach (Wageningen Writing Lab)
Every student can get free help from a writing coach at the Wageningen Writing Lab. A coaching session lasts 45 minutes and can take place either online or in the
Writing Lab. Students are welcome with any academic work, from a first-year
paper to a master’s thesis. It doesn’t matter if they already have a text or
have yet to begin writing. The coaching session can cover any writing issue:
from creating an outline to refining the structure of the text to overcoming
writer’s block.