Education of the Information Technology Group

We offer a variety of courses at BSc and MSc level that are taken by students from all study programmes of Wageningen University & Research. The courses are aligned to our overall objective for realizing smart engineering of socio-technical systems. In parallel with our courses we offer interesting MSc and BSc thesis assignments. Further, we have an active PhD programme in which research is carried out in close collaboration with the life sciences application domains.

INF Courses per Period

Period 1 / September - October
Code Name of the course Time / Language Coordinator / Lecturer
INF-22306 Programming in Python afternoon / UK Tarek Alskaif
INF-21306 Data Management morning / UK Kwabena Bennin
BIF-50806 Practical Computing for Biologists afternoon / UK Mark Kramer
MCB-33806 Strategic Marketing for Market Transformation afternoon / UK Will Hurst
Period 2 / November - December
Code Name of the course Time / Language Coordinator / Lecturer
INF-22306 Programming in Python morning / UK Ayalew Kassahun
INF-33806 Big Data morning / UK Tarek Alskaif
INF-34306 Data Science Concepts afternoon / UK Will Hurst
INF-35806 Linked Data afternoon / UK Onder Babur
BMO-35806 Supply Chain Networks morning / UK Cor Verdouw
FTE-12803 Introduction Biosystems Engineering part 2 afternoon / NL Mark Kramer
ORL-33806 Data Driven Supply Chain Management afternoon / UK Joao Pereira Valente
Period 3 / January
Code Name of the course Time / Language Coordinator / Lecturer
INF-36306 Artificial Intelligence whole day / UK Yamine Bouzembrak
INF-65100 Project Planning & Organizing afternoon / UK Dogu Cengiz
Period 4 / February
Code Name of the course Time / Language Coordinator / Lecturer
INF-22803 Introduction to Data structures and Algorithms for Health afternoon / UK Sjoukje Osinga
INF-34806 Agent-Based Modelling of Complex Adaptive Systems whole day / UK Yara Khaluf
INF-36803 Artificial Intelligence for Food and Health morning / UK Yamine Bouzembrak
YSS-35803 Data Science Applications for Food and Consumer Science morning / UK Sander Breevaart
Period 5 / March - April
Code Name of the course Time / Language Coordinator / Lecturer
INF-22306 Programming in Python morning / UK Stefan Maranus
INF-21306 Data Management morning / UK Qingzhi Liu
INF-32306 Software Engineering afternoon / UK Onder Babur / Ayalew Kassahun
YSS-36306 Data Science for Food and Consumer Behaviour Research morning / UK Sander Breevaart
GRS-51806 Extended Realities and the Future of Communication - / UK Will Hurst
Period 6 / May - June
Code Name of the course Time / Language Coordinator / Lecturer
INF-20806 Applied Information Technology morning / UK Sjoukje Osinga
INF-31306 Management and Engineering of Information Systems morning / UK Bedir Tekinerdogan
INF-51806 Systems Thinking afternoon / UK Yara Khaluf
INF-65100 Project Planning & Organizing afternoon / UK Dogu Cengiz
YSS-37203 Supply Chain Research Skills afternoon / UK Yamine Bouzembrak
FTE-40306 Advanced Machine Learning afternoon / UK Qingzhi Liu
HNH-52306 Quantified Self: Using wearables and apps to monitor Physiology and Behavior afternoon / UK Sjoukje Osinga
YSS-32806 Supply Chain Analytics morning / UK Sander Breevaart
INF-52806 Advanced Python Programming afternoon / UK Stefan Maranus / Sander Breevaart
INF-37306 Business Information Analytics morning / UK Onder Babur / Sander Breevaart