Stepwise approach
Phase 0 | Organizing a project
Check prerequisites
If you are interested in a thesis with us, please first check whether you fulfill the prerequisites.
Contact education.orl@wur.nl
As soon as you know you want to write a thesis with us, send an e-mail to education.orl@wur.nl and CC your study advisor. Your study advisor then checks if you indeed have met all requirements to start the thesis and will respond - CC-ing the education.orl@wur.nl - with approval or disapproval. If the latter is the case, the student first has to make an appointment with the study advisor.
In parellel, you fill out this intake form intake form so that we are informed on your study background and the period in wish you wish to start. Contact us at least 2 months before the start of your thesis. The sooner, the better! After we have received your form, you will be invited to our intake session.
Come to our intake meeting
We organize BSc thesis intake sessions bi-weekly. This is the moment where you meet the ORL thesis coordinator, students can ask questions, and the thesis coordinator will illustrate the main steps of the BSc thesis procedure.
State your preferences
Students can check our available thesis topic in our ORL Thesis Brightspace. This is a self-enrolment page (you can find us via the discover tab). Once you have made up your mind, you can state your top 3 via submitting this form. Within 10 working days, you can expect an e-mail from our thesis coordinator with an answer. Also, you will be assigned to your supervisor. It can be the case that you want to work on a slightly different topic within our group which is not exactly appearing in 'available thesis topics'. Feel free to contact education.orl@wur.nl to discuss those ideas.
Meet your supervisor
Students are in the lead for planning a first meeting with their supervisor. Please save one hour to get to know each other, discuss the thesis topic and set mutual expectations. We recommend to schedule a series of meetings on fixed timeslots (e.g. weekly). This will save some coordination, also regular meetings keep both sides informed on the process and progress. Agreements that are made between supervisor and student should be secured in the BSc thesis contract (or 'learning agreement). You can find this contract in the BSc thesis course guide of your program. Please send a signed copy of this learning agreement to your supervisor, study advisor, education.orl@wur.nl, and orl.office@wur.nl
Phase 1 | Proposal writing
Phase 2 | Performing the research
Phase 3 | Finalizing the report
The final results of the thesis are presented in one of our bi-weekly colloquia. Please sign up for a presentation here, at least two weeks before the respective date. Note: first come, first serve!
Final examination
After students have incorporated the feedback of the thesis ring and supervisor, they hand in a final version of the thesis, minimum 1 week before the final examination of the thesis.
Hand in your extended abstract
Every student should write an extended abstract for the thesis depot of Wageningen University that is accessible for everyone. Extended abstracts should be sent to education.orl@wur.nl.
When can I start a BSc thesis?
What is the duration of a BSc thesis?
BSc theses that consist of 12 ECTS correspond to 2 months full-time work.
Exceptions to this duration can only be made with the formal (written) approval of your study advisor. If this is the case, please arrange this approval a.s.a.p., but at least before you meet your supervisor for the first time.