Water Management PhD N.Made - Bridging the differences PhD Research by Ni Made Gilang WargyawatiFull title: Bridging the differences: The interplay between meanings and practices in the Citarum river... PhD L.vd Wal - Infrascapes PhD by Laszlo van der Wal.Hydraulic infrastructure, such as dams, weirs and sluices, are aging and will need replacement in the coming decades. PhD M. Bakx - RuiKwa-LAB Het onderzoeksprogramma ‘RuimtelijkeKwaLiteit in wAterveiligheidsBeheer (RuiKwa-LAB)’ bestudeert wat ruimtelijke kwaliteit in... ReAShore The ReAshore (Resilient Anthropogenic Shores) project studies the mutual influence of natural landscape-forming processes and the use and management... Linkedin Whatsapp Twitter Email