Library news archive
Library news 2024
Web of Science and Scopus | Search discrepancies explained
College life in Wageningen during the Second World War: small exhibition
Check, share & teach: copyright for teachers
WUR is close to 100% Open Access
Online bookshelf: LGBTQ+ inclusion
Rector kicks off Open Science & Education campaign
Interactive video installation IMU in Forum Library
Finding more open content with Unpaywall integration
Graduating this summer? Please return your Library books!
Text and data mining | publisher policies
Library news 2023
Access to the Financieele Dagblad through the FD app
Cite and refer to images and figures with EndNote
Can you credit ChatGPT as a co-author?
Can ChatGPT do my literature search for me?
New printers in the Library: everything you need to know
Collections in the spotlight: Flowers of the Brazilian forest
Stories Plants Tell: Flora Batava 1800-1934
Tool tip: Tools for a literature review or systematic review
Vacancies scientific information specialist & application manager RDM
Research@WUR reaches milestone: over 300,000 Research Outputs and counting