Education of Animal Breeding and Genomics

The Animal Breeding and Genomics group contributes to the curriculum of the BSc and MSc programs of Animal Sciences at Wageningen University & Research by offering a variety of courses on topics including wildlife conservation genetics, selective breeding and breeding programs (for livestock species and companion animals), and genomics.

Theses and internships

We have a wide range of thesis topics for BSc and MSc students. We also offer help with finding internships and research practices and provide supervision of these projects.


Read more about our theses and internships

Courses with ABG course code

Course code Course title Course description
ABG20306 Animal Breeding and Genetics Introduces the main principles underlying genetic improvement in livestock and companion animals
ABG31306 Genetic improvement of livestock Provides advanced knowledge on genetic improvement schemes in livestock and companion animals
ABG30306 Genomics Discusses the structure and function of genomes of organisms from all kingdoms
ABG51806 Wildlife Conservation Genetics Discusses forces shaping genetic variation and ways to measure and manage genetic variation in (captive/natural) wildlife populations
ABG60306 Breeding Lab This course consists of a combination of a ‘group internship’ at a given company and a set of skills training and exercises
ABG50806 Ecology of Animal Life Histories Focuses on (advanced) concepts and ideas of life history theory and applying these concepts in the design of experiments
ABG30806 Data Analysis for Plant and Animal Breeding In this course you will become familiar with state-of-the-art methods and skills for quantitative genetic analysis of breeding data, both for animals and plants

Other courses with large contribution of ABG

Course code Course title Course description
GEN30806 Population and Quantitative Genetics Explains genetic and molecular evolution and their relationship to phenotypic evolution in populations
GEN11806 Fundamentals of Genetics and Molecular Biology Introduces the basic genetic and molecular biological processes in eukaryotes and basic genetic methods
YAS10806 Biology of Domestic Animals Provides a basic knowledge of biological basis of animal production and biological processes in farm animals and companion animals
YMC61303 Scientific Skills Training Focuses on (further) developing scientific skills, such as critically assessing scientific papers or creating a poster
BIF50806 Practical Computing for Biologists Provides a practical basis of advanced computer use for the analysis of biological data
MAE50806 Advanced Molecular Ecology Discusses how to measure biodiversity, genomic diversity and adaptation of organisms using sequencing of DNA samples (a.o. eDNA)

Other courses with contribution of ABG

Course code Course title Course description
YAS10306 Introduction to Animal Sciences Provides an introduction to the field of animal sciences, in which animals are kept for e.g. food production, company, care or sport
BHE50306 Life History Evolution Covers basic life history theory by highlighting major decisions animals have to make with respect to reproduction and adaptation
AFI31306 Life History of Aquatic Organisms Discusses the biology and ecology of aquatic organisms, with an emphasis on life history theory
FQD21806 Milk in the Dairy Chain Provides insight in the factors that influence milk composition throughout the dairy chain
YAS33406 Role of Livestock in Future Food Systems Discusses the current state of livestock production and strategies to improve the role of livestock in a sustainable future food system
YAS21806 Quality of Animal Products Focuses on quality aspects related to animal products for human consumption
BIF31806 Data Driven Discovery in the Life Sciences: Hypothesis Generation from Omics Data Focuses on linking domain knowledge to data using data science techniques and skills for omics data