Teaching by the Bioinformatics Group
The Bioinformatics Group is involved in teaching several courses, at the BSc level in the minor Bioinformatics, and in the Bioinformatics MSc programme. The Bioinformatics minor offers a practical introduction to bioinformatics aimed at BSc students from various life science backgrounds. The Bioinformatics master focuses on the knowledge and skills needed to analyze biological datasets, and the ability to develop new bioinformatics tools and approaches to answer biological questions. The courses that we provide in the Bioinformatics minor and master are listed below.
In addition, we supervise BSc and Msc thesis projects embedded within the research of our group, as well as internships at external partners.
BSc Courses (in minor Bioinformatics)
- BIF-20306: Introduction to Bioinformatics
- BIF-50806: Practical Computing for Biologists
- BIF-51306: Data Analysis and Visualization
- BIF-51806: Biological Discovery through Computation
MSc Courses
- BIF-30806: Advanced Bioinformatics
- BIF-31306: Algorithms in Bioinformatics
- BIF-31806: Data-driven Discovery in the Life Sciences
- SSB-20306 Bioinformation Technology
- SSB-30306 Molecular Systems Biology
- SSB-31806 Advanced Systems Biology
- FTE-35306: Machine Learning
- INF-34306: Data Science Concepts
- GRS-34806: Deep Learning in Data Science
Thesis & Internship
- BSc/MSc thesis projects (including Research Practice)
- Internships
Contributions to other courses
For more detailed information visit the Study Handbook website.