Thesis track: Farm Technology - MSc Biosystems Engineering
The farm technology track focuses on innovation and technology that can be introduced to improve or revamp an agricultural system.
The chair group has researches being performed in the field of livestock farming and precision farming using drones and other high tech equipment. Applications on automation and robotics are extensively researched in the group along with a focus on the social aspects like labour, animal welfare, health and environment. There are also possibilities to perform research with design and modelling of agricultural systems like greenhouses. The research also broadens to other innovative systems like insects and algae cultivation systems.
More information about the chair group can be found here.
In the courseguide you can find all courses in the thesis track Farm Technology. Below, you'll find some hihlights.

Machine Learning
Machine learning plays an increasingly important role in biosystems engineering. This course deals with algorithms that predict certain outputs (such as crop yields or traits) given previously unseen input data from cameras, other sensors and maps.

Greenhouse technology
The course aims in delivering the students ample knowledge about the physics of a greenhouse and the interaction between crop processes and greenhouse climate processes.

Robotics - arms and grippers
Robotic arms are needed for many tasks, for
instance, to pick fruits, to remove weeds from a field or to package food
products. This course deals with the mathematical foundation, key aspects of
robot-arm control, 3D perception and more.
Robotics - mobile platforms
Driving forces for automation in agriculture are
discussed in this course. Students work on various automation tasks, like
employing control and motion planning on a stable or mobile platform.