On this page you will find an overview of projects within Wageningen University & Research related to Biodiversity.
Projects on biodiversity
Accelerating sustainability in industry by means of people and technology
Current international and legal developments have threatened the Netherlands’ position as a European front-runner in economy and sustainability.... -
Living Landscapes in Action
The Living Landscape project aims to further develop and raise awareness about a new conservation paradigm entitled ‘convivial... -
Environmental analysis of future scenarios of circularity in north-Netherlands
In this project we investigate the status quo of and potential for circular agriculture in the north of the Netherlands. We also quantify the... -
Governing environment in refugee-populated Kigoma region, Tanzania
The project aims to explore the dynamics of environmental and humanitarian governance in Kigoma region, Tanzania. It focuses on the politics of... -
Nature-based transitions: socio-economic and legal solutions for climate-robust, sustainable and productive sandy-soil landscapes
The Netherlands was always a country of water abundance, where intensive agricultural production was facilitated by draining land. Recent periods of... -
How microplastics affect soil hydrology and, thereby, MP distribution and transport in and over soils (MASTER)
Connecting with What Nature? Exploring the influence of urban conservation initiatives on attitudes towards human-nonhuman relations
Over the past decades, we have experienced a massive decline in global biodiversity. Yet while biodiversity declines, support for nature conservation... -
Restoration of the long spined sea urchin, Diadema antillarum in the Caribbean
Biodiversity-related risks and opportunities to the financial sector
A unique project was launched to estimate the financial impact of biodiversity loss and determine the most important measures to reduce and recover... -
Hidden crop diversity in Suriname
Maroons, descendants of enslaved Africans who escaped from plantations into the interior forests of Suriname, cultivate an astonishing number of rice...