
Education at the Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles Group

The chair group Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles (CHL) contributes to the bachelor programmes Health and Society (BGM), Nutrition and Health (BVG) and Business and Consumer Studies (BBC). At the master level we contribute to the programmes Communication, Health and Life Sciences (MCH), Nutrition and Health (MNH), Online Master's Nutritional Epidemiology and Public Health (MNH-DL), Management, Economics and Consumer Studies (MME) and Data Science for Food and Health (MDS).

Thesis and internship

If you want to do your thesis or internship with CHL or wonder whether CHL would be suited for your thesis or internship, please contact our education coordinator:

More thesis and internship information

For more information on BSc and MSc theses and internships, you can enroll yourself to Thesis and Internship at CHL Brightspace page. Here you can find the course guide, other relevant documents, and a vacancy list with thesis and internship topics.

View our Brightspace page


CHL contributes to the following minors

Minor Course Course code
Quantified Self Internet-based Communication and Learning for Social Change CPT53806
Quantified Self: Using wearables and apps to monitor Physiology and Behaviour HNH52306
Consumer Behaviour Principles of Consumer Studies MCB20806
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Techniques in the Social Sciences YSS20306
Lifestyles and Consumption CHL20806
Psychobiology of Eating Behaviour Principles of Consumer Studies MCB20806
Nutrition Behaviour HNH20306
Psychology of Behaviour Change CHL52306
Global one Health Health Issues in Daily Life; a Bèta-Gamma Approach CHL23306
Communication, Health and Society Health Psychology HSO20806

The devoted supervision and feedback is what made me choose for CHL. I got to learn about my strengths and challenges on a both content-related and personal level.
Janne Oude Voshaar, BSc thesis student Bedrijfs- en Consumentenwetenschappen
The most interesting part about writing your thesis at CHL is using your skills to find a balance between what is best according to theory and what is actually done in practice with the help of an enthusiastic supervisor by your side
Sofie Lemmens, MSc thesis student Management, Economics and Consumer Studies
It was really interesting to explore and research all kinds of societal challenges and topics within the world. I can further use the acquired knowledge and skills within my daily work as a researcher.
Ellemijn Troost, MSc thesis student Communication, Health and Life sciences