Agenda of the Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Group
Date | Presenter | Title |
6 October | Linde Götz (IAMO, Germany) | How well is the Russian Wheat Market Functioning? A Comparison with the Corn Market in the USA |
29 September | Anouschka Groeneveld (AEP, WUR) | Uptake of on-farm processing of organic waste |
22 September | Koos Gardebroek (AEP, WUR) | Analyzing production shocks in global wheat markets using GVAR models |
15 September | Fatima Lambarraa (École Nationale d'Agriculture de Meknès, Morocco) | Dynamic technical inefficiency and investment decision: An empirical analysis for Spanish olive sector |
8 September | Arega Alene (IITA, Malawi) | Ex-ante impact evaluation of soybean production technologies in Africa |
1 September | Paul Hofman (DEC, WUR) | Social Networks and Technology Diffusion in the Congo |
23 June | Marleen Onwezen (LEI, WUR) | Foodprofiler |
20 June | Mushfiq Mobarak (Yale School of Management) | General Equilibrium Effects of Rural-Urban Migration |
16 June | Rico Ihle (AEP, WUR) | The Effects of Civil War on Fresh Food Markets in Palestine |
13 June | Samuel Weldeegzie (Australian National University) | Growing-up unfortunate: War and Childhood Human Capital in Ethiopia |
2 June | Andries Richter (ENR, WUR) | Reciprocal citizen - Cuts in public spending reduce voluntary contributions in a field experiment |
19 May | Krisztina Kis-Katos (Universität Freiburg) | Education attainment in the neighborhood of conflicts: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa using georeferenced data |
28 April | Koen Leuveld (DEC, WUR) | The role of local chiefs in development aid in Eastern Congo |
14 April | Hans-Peter Weikard (ENR, WUR) | Join, support or free-ride: coalition formation in a public goods game |
7 April | Alfons Oude-Lansink (BE, WUR) | Measuring Dynamic Eco-efficiency under the By-Production of Undesirable Output |
31 March | Zuzana Smeets-Kristkova (LEI, WUR) | Agricultural R&D investments, food security and biofuel policy – a CGE approach |
24 March | Servaas van der Berg (Stellenbosch University, South Africa) | Education and Income Distribution in South Africa |
17 March | Jacobus de Hoop (Unicef) | Economic empowerment and children’s time use |
10 March | Maarten Punt (University of Southern Denmark) | Noise Signals Value: Trading off marine mammals and seismic survey information |
3 March | Shenggen Fan (DG IFPRI) | A new global food system for multiple wins: Demystifying conventional beliefs |
3 March | Aisha Nanyiti (DEC, WUR) | Tied Labour, Savings and Rural Labour Market Wages: Evidence from a Framed Field Experiment |
25 February | Jan Falkowski (University of Warsaw) | Rural Politics and Structural Change: Some Evidence from Poland |
18 February | Jeroen Klomp (ENR/DEC, WUR) | Political cycles in public natural disaster support: A cross-country analysis |
11 February | Jan Rouwendal (VU Amsterdam) | Border Effects in House Prices |
4 February | Erwin Bulte (DEC, WUR) | The Impacts of Subsidizing New Products on Uptake, Learning, and Diffusion: Experimental Evidence from Rural Cameroon |
28 January | Oriana Gava (University of Pisa) | Spatial impacts and sustainability of farm biogas diffusion in Italy |
21 January | Qianqian Shao (AEP, WUR) | A Political Economy Model of a GMO Trade Agreement |
14 January | Thomas Venus (AEP, WUR) | The Costs of Coexistence Measures for Genetically Modified Maize in Germany |
Date | Presenter | Title |
17 December | Jale Tosun (University of Heidelberg) | To mobilize or not: political attention and the regulation of GMOs |
10 December | Florian Diekert (University of Oslo) | Play with fire: Experiments to find the location of a catastropic threshold |
3 December | Edwin van der Werf (ENR) | What firms adopt an eco-label? Initial evidence from the Dutch accommodation sector |
26 November | Devesh Rustagi (Goethe University Frankfurt) | Got Milk? Motivation for Honesty and Functioning of Informal Markets: Evidence from India |
23 November | Wallace Huffman (Iowa State University) | The Economic Impacts of Technology and Climate Change: New Evidence Unearthed from Corn Yields |
19 November | Vojtech Bartos (CERGE-EI Prague) | Seasonal scarcity and sharing norms |
12 November | Joppe de Ree | Double for Nothing? Experimental Evidence on the Impact of an Unconditional Teacher Salary Increase on Student Performance in Indonesia |
9 November | Corbett Grainger (University of Wisconsin - Madison) | Property rights, regulatory capture, and exploitation of natural resources |
29 October | Martha Ross (DEC) | Bargaining Markets, Information Asymmetry, and Social Capital |
15 October | Peter Lanjouw (VU Amsterdam) | Analyzing Poverty and Inequality in Palanpur: Insights and Challenges from a Longitudinal Village Study |
13 October | Ofir Rubin (Ben-Gurion-University of the Negev) | The impact of subsidizing energy efficient cars: Evidence from a natural experiment in Israel |
8 October | Shruti Sharma (Indian Institute of Management) | Imported Intermediate Inputs and Workforce Composition: Evidence from India's Tariff Liberalization |
1 October | Janne Helin (ENR) | A model for estimating phosphorus requirements of world food production |
24 September | Nastassia Leszczynska (Free University of Brussels) | Professional identity, bribery and public service: a lab-in-the-field experiment in Burundi |
10 September | Robert Inklaar (RUG) | Cross-country income levels over time: did the developing world suddenly become much richer? |
3 September | Israel Finkelshtain (Hebrew University) | Regulatory Capture vs. Oligopoly: A Price Control Dilemma in the Dairy Market |
9 July | Ian Levely | |
2 July | Paolo Sckokai (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) | The use of scanner data for measuring food inflation and price dynamics |
2 July | Natascha Wagner (ISS) | Does Health Insurance Coverage or Improved Quality Protect Better Against Out-of-Pocket Payments? Experimental Evidence from the Philippines |
25 June | Daan van Soest (UvT) | Cooperation in multi-person social dilemmas: The Public Goods game revisited |
18 June | Andries Richter (ENR, WUR) | When kindness generates unkindness. Why positive framing cannot solve the tragedy of the commons; an experimental investigation |
11 June | Edwin van der Werf (ENR) | The Potential of REDD+ for Carbon Sequestration in Tropical Forests: Supply Curves for carbon storage for Kalimantan, Indonesia |
4 June | Roland Luttens (VU) | Collective bargaining in an at-will firm |
21 May | Maarten Bosker (EUR) | A theory of trade in a global production network |
7 May | Mequanint Melesse (DEC, WUR) | Market Exposure and Risk Aversion. Evidence from Landed Farmers in Ethiopia |
30 April | Gonne Beekman (DEC) | Sanctioning Regimes and Chief Quality. Evidence from Rural Liberia |
9 April | Erwin Bulte (DEC, WUR) | the clawback... |
2 April | Bilal Siddiqi (World Bank) | Can the Wounds of War be Healed? Experimental Evidence on Reconciliation in Sierra Leone |
26 March | Salvatore Di Falco (Université du Genève) | Dead Aid? The Embezzlement of Donors' Funds |
19 March | Justus Wesseler (AEP, WUR) | Irreversibility, uncertainty, and dynamic pest resistance |
11 March | Xavi Gine (World Bank) | Forecasting When it Matters: Evidence from Semi-Arid India |
5 March | Adam Walker (ENR, WUR) | Network Externalities, Allee effects and Natural Adverse Selection in Ballast Water Management |
26 February | Malte Lierl (Yale University) | Preferences or Incentives: What Motivates Village Leaders to Refrain From Misappropriating Public Resources? |
19 February | Julia Anna Matz (Bonn University)) | Ethnicity, Marriage, and Family Income |
9 February | Frank Place (IFPRI) | The Effects of Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration of Trees on Crop Yields in West Africa |
29 January | Remco Oostendorp (VU Amsterdam) | Regional Labor Market Integration, Shadow Wages and Poverty in Vietnam |
22 January | Irene Alvarado-Quesada (ENR, WUR) | International cooperation for biodiversity conservation when spatial structures matter: the case study of the golden-winged warbler |
15 January | Robert Sparrow | The Effects of Decentralized Health Care Financing on Maternal Care: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study in Indonesia |
8 January | Jeroen Klomp (ENR/DEC, Wageningen University) | Election cycles in natural resource rents: where do they come from and where do they go? |
Date | Presenter | Title |
11 December | Thomas van der Pol (ENR, Wageningen University) | A dynamic minimax regret analysis of flood management strategies under climate change uncertainty with emerging information on peak flows |
3 December | Peter van der Windt (DEC, Wageningen University) | How Development Interventions Make the Poor 'Poorer': Evidence from Two Experiments in the Congo |
27 November | Michiel Gerritse (RU Groningen) | Does trade cause long-run development? Theory and evidence from countries behind the Suez channel |
20 November | Francesco Cecchi (DEC, Wageningen University) | Statutory Law and Customary Change: a Lab-in-Field Experiment in Ethiopia |
13 November | Niccolo Meriggi (DEC, Wageningen University) | Dissecting Trust: Evidence From a Field Experiment in Rural Cameroon |
6 November | Tatiana Filatova (University Twente) | Changing climate – changing behavior: integrating adaptive economic dynamics in coupled socio-environmental systems |
30 October | Maria Alexandra Nichifor | Risk Mitigation Models in Renewable Energies – Solar vs. Wind |
16 October | Esther Boere | The Impact of Whole Farm Income Insurance on Land Use Decisions: Modelling Risk Management for Dutch Arable Farmers |
9 October | Silke Gabbert | The economics of regulating hazardous chemicals in Europe: Why (and how) persistence matters |
2 October | Dušan Drabik | Biofuels and Vertical Price Transmission: The Case of the U.S. Corn, Ethanol, and Food Markets |
18 September | Elissaios Papyrakis (UEA) | Income Inequality and the Resource Curse |
10 September | Michael Grimm | Does Electrification Spur the Fertility Transition? Evidence from Indonesia |
4 September | Jikun Huang | China’s Food Security and Policy |
26 August | Bernadette Wanjala (CentER Graduate School, Tilburg) | Is diversification the panacea to enhancing household income and reducing poverty among Smallholder farmers? The Case of Sauri Millennium Village in Kenya |
10 July | Malte Lierl (Yale) | Do social incentives encourage free riding? Experimental evidence from 48 villages in Tanzania |
26 June | Alexander Moradi (Sussex) | History, Path Dependence and Development: Evidence from Colonial Railroads, Settlers and Cities in Kenya |
19 June | Pierre van Mouche (Economics of Consumers and Households, WUR) | The Hotelling bi-matrix game |
5 June | Jan Stoop (Erasmus University, Rotterdam) | Return to Sender: Ethical Behaviour, Social Class, and Envelopes |
12 June | Janneke Pieters (Development Economics, WUR) | The gendered labor market impacts of trade liberalization: evidence from Brazil |
22 May | Shumin Yu (Environmental Economics, WUR) | International Carbon Trade with Endogenous Permits and Cooperation for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation |
15 May | Harry de Gorter (Cornell University) | Biofuel Policies and Food Commodity Price Volatility |
8 May | Bernd Süßmuth (University of Leipzig) | Crop Rotation and Complex Dynamics in Interacting Cobweb Markets |
1 May | Marcel Timmer (University of Groningen) | Slicing Up Global Value Chains |
17 April | Maarten Punt (TU München) | The formation of GMO-free and GMO-only Coasean clubs |
24 April | Francesco Cecchi (Development Economics, WUR) | Does Prenatal Trauma Reduce Cooperation? Evidence from a Public Goods Experiment in Post-conflict Uganda |
10 April | Marcel Gatto (University Göttingen) | Oil Palm Boom and Village Development: Impact and Inclusiveness of Contractual Arrangements |
3 April | Erwin Bulte (Development Economics, WUR) | Chief for a Day: Who Should Be Stewarding Development Dollars? Evidence from a Field Experiment |
25 March | Srikantha Murthy (University of Agricultural Sciences in Bangalore, India) | Backward Bending Labour Supply Curve Faced by Farmers in India |
27 March | Dominic Hauck (IVM Amsterdam) | When green consumerism is fashionable |
13 March | Elisabetta De Cao (University of Groningen) | Sensitive survey questions: Measuring attitudes regarding female circumcision through a list experiment |
6 March | Thomas van de Pol (Environmental Economics and Natural Resources group, WUR) | Impacts of Rainfall Variability and Expected Rainfall Changes on the Cost-Effective Adaptation of Water Systems to Climate Change |
27 February | James Fenske (University of Oxford) | Conflict and the formation of political beliefs in Africa |
20 February | Christos Kolympiris (Management Studies, WUR) | The Diminishing Signaling Value of Patents between Early Rounds of Venture Capital Financing |
23 January | Liesbeth Dries (Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group, WUR) | Power, buyer trustworthiness and supplier performance: evidence from the Armenian dairy sector |
16 January | Jianying Qiu (Radboud University Nijmegen) | Reference Dependence and Aversion to Losses in Probability: Theory and Experiment of Ambiguity Attitudes |
9 January | Adam N. Walker (Environmental and Resource Economics, WUR) | Endogenous Risk of Stock Collapse and the Great Fish Pact |
30 January | Andries Richter (Environmental Economics and Natural Resources group, WUR) | Saving the planet by being a hypocrite – Moral reasoning in the commons |