Diagnostic assays veterinary tests contract research CRO

Diagnostic assays

In the veterinary domain, diagnostic tests are extremely important, as they are needed to keep livestock healthy and guarantee food safety.

More than 300 tests

Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) offers over 300 diagnostic veterinary tests as a commercial service, and many more are being developed and applied within various research projects.


We are experts in developing and validating veterinary tests. Development of new diagnostic tools is a joint effort of a multidisciplinary team of experts in the fields of bacteriology, virology, immunology and molecular biology. By combining these disciplines with state-of-the-art techniques, the development of specific and sensitive diagnostics for several applications is enabled.

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Use of diagnostics

Veterinary diagnostic tests are used to detect and identify pathogenic agents such as viruses, bacteria, prions, and toxins in samples of animal origin. In addition, responses of animals to pathogens can be recorded (serum antibodies, other immunological factors).

Tests can also be applied to establish phenotypic characteristics of pathogens, like antibiotic resistance or virulence, or to type pathogens based on genetic information.

Contact our expert

Please feel free to contact the expert of our contract research organization (CRO) if you have a question concerning diagnostics.