Software, models and databases
Our environmental science-based models are being used as decision support tool in governmental policies and in the private sector, and in the scientific process. The models we use and continuously develop range from the suitability of habitats for specific plants and animals, to development of forest under different management conditions, to harvest predictions based on historical and meteorological data. Wageningen Environmental Research offers these models to users under various conditions of use, listed separately for each model.
Agriculture and crop growth
- INITIATOR A relatively simple and flexible model to calculate all important N fluxes on a regional scale.
- Soil, Water, Atmosphere and Plant (SWAP) Simulates transport of water, solutes and heat in unsaturated/saturated soils. The model is designed to simulate flow and transport processes at field scale level, during growing seasons and for long-term time series.
- MITERRA-Europe An emissions model for greenhouse gases, nitrogen, phosphate and carbon for agriculture on a European scale.
- NUtrient flows in Food chains, Environment and Resources use (NUFER) A model that quantifies nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) flows in food chains and nutrient use efficiencies.
- SURDEV Surface irrigation software for design, operation and evaluation of basin, border and furrow Irrigation.
- WOrld FOod Studies (WOFOST) A simulation model for the quantitative analysis of the growth and production of annual field crops.
- Carbon balance model CO2FIX A model to investigate the future carbon balance: how long will the carbon sink continue and how can we manage it?
Ecology, vegetation and landscape
- Biodiversity impact assessment using species sensitivity scores (BIOSCORE) A tool for analysis of potential impacts of future changes in human-induced pressures on European terrestrial biodiversity mammals, vascular plants, breeding birds and butterflies
- BioESoil A tool to assess the effects of bioenergy on soil quality.
- Conversion of Land Use and its Effects (CLUE) A dynamic, multi-scale land use and land cover change model.
- Determinator An expert system that assists in the recognition of an ingredient such as pollen, starch or ragwort in feeds or other mixtures.
- E-SCAPE A tool to calculate the attractiveness of a landscape in order to assess spatial plans on their appeal.
- European Forest Information Scenario model (EFISCEN) A large-scale forest model that projects forest biomass and forestry development on a regional to European scale.
- HIstoric Land Dynamics Assessment (HILDA) A model combining multiple harmonized and consistent data streams of historic land cover information in one approach, like remote sensing products, national inventories, aerial photographs, land cover statistics, old encyclopedias and historic land cover maps.
- Landscape Analysis and Rules for Configuration of Habitat (LARCH) The LARCH-classic model is used to determine sustainability of ecological networks for species. LARCH-SCAN determines suitable habitat for a species.
- LandscApe ProcesS modelling at mUlti-dimensions and Scales (LAPSUS) A multi-module dynamic landscape evolution model. Studied processes include overland erosion, landsliding, tillage erosion and tectonics.
- METAPHOR A tool for Spatial Population Analysis simulating reproduction, mortality and dispersal of animal and plant species over time.
- Model for Nature Policy (MNP) An integrative model that shows the sensitivity of plant and animal species to changes in the size and quality of the habitat due to type of management, environmental and water conditions.
- National Vegetation Database (LVB) A database of plant growth in the Netherlands, reflecting over 75 years of phytosociological research.
- Nature Technical Model (NTM) This model was developed to help in assessing if ecological restauration is contributing to improved conditions for vegetation.
- Plant dispersion model DIMO A model to research the opportunities for dispersion and migration of plants
- SUMO A model to simulate the development of vegetation.
- Syntaxonomic Biological System (SynBioSys) Software comprising a knowledge system on the level of landscapes, vegetation types and species.
- Turboveg A comprehensive management system for vegetation data.
- VSD+-SUMO A tool describing soil processes and vegetation growth that calculates climate resilience of vegetation along large waterbodies on a regional and national scale.
- ViewScape A model to calculate the degree of visibility of a landscape.
Mobility and economy
- Metropolitan Accessibility Indicator The indicator map shows for each point the travel-time from every position to a defined point in the city. This indicator can be used as proxy for market potential.
- Multi Agent Simulation Of Outdoor Recreation (MASOOR) A model that predicts the dispersion and intensity of visitor flows in recreational areas.
- Working together for Economically Prosperous Communities through assets of Natural Heritage (WECAN) A tool that assists parties to map the economic potential of nature in their area.
- CASCADE A tool for assessing exposure concentrations of plant protection products in systems of small water courses, based on good agricultural practice of these products.
- DRinkwater uit OPpervlaktewater Landbouwkundig gebruik Evaluatie Tool (DROPLET) For the nine Dutch surface water abstraction points for drinking water production it calculates the expected pesticide concentration after Good Agricultural Practice.
- HArmonized environmental Indicators for pesticide Risk (HAIR) This instrument can calculate risk indicators related to the agricultural use of pesticides in European countries. The intended use of HAIR is to calculate trends in aggregated risk.
- IDEFICS A physical model of spray drift from boom sprayers in agriculture.
- Dutch Pesticide Risk Indicator NMI 4 To evaluate impacts of agricultural use of pesticides and impacts of policies of the Dutch Government.
- PERPEST A model that Predicts the Ecological Risks of PESTicides in freshwater ecosystems.
- Pesticide Emission Assessment at Regional and Local scales (PEARL) A one-dimensional numerical model of pesticide behaviour in the soil-plant system.
- Pesticides RIsks in the tropics to Man, Environment and Trade (PRIMET) A tool to estimate the risks of pesticide application to aquatic life, terrestrial life, bees, non-target arthropods, the use of groundwater as drinking water and dietary exposure via the consumption of groundwater, vegetables, fish and macrophytes.
- TOXic substances in Surface WAters (TOXSWA) Calculates Predicted Environmental Concentrations in surface water to support the pesticide registration procedures in the Netherlands.
- AlterrAqua A programme suite for managing the workflow required to model the hydrology of a study area.
- ANIMO Detailed process-oriented simulation model for evaluation of nitrate leaching to groundwater, N and P loads on surface waters and greenhouse gas emissions
- Dutch Hydrological Instrumentarium (NHI) The collection of software and data for the development of groundwater and surface water models for the Netherlands on a national and regional scale.
- FLUVER2 A 2D River Gradient linked to a semi-3D Terrace modelling framework.
- Global Nutrient Export from WaterSheds (Global NEWS) A model that simulates the river export of nutrients from land to coastal seas.
- Global Waterborne Pathogen (GloWPa) A model that simulates emissions of pathogens (currently Cryptosporidium and rotavirus) to surface water.
- Model to Assess River Inputs of Nutrients to seAs (MARINA) Quantifies annual river export of nutrients to seas for the past and future.
- NUSWA/ NUSWALite A tool to calculate the retention and the ecological effects of nutrients in a river basin.
- Plastics Model This model simulates the river export of microplastics from land to coastal seas.
- River Basin Model (RBM) A particle tracking stream temperature model that solves the time-dependent one-dimensional heat advection equation using a mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian approach.
- SImulation of Water management in the Arab Republic of Egypt (SIWARE) A model package to provide sufficiently accurate information for evaluating water management scenarios.
- STONE A simulation model to assess the consequences of Dutch manure policy for the emission of nitrogen and phosphate to groundwater and surface water.
- Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) A grid-based macro-scale hydrological model that solves both the surface energy balance and water balance equations.
- Wageningen Lowland Runoff Simulator (WALRUS) A lumped rainfall-runoff model for catchments with shallow groundwater.
- Waternood Hydrological conditions for nature An application to find out which requirements certain types of nature pose on water management.
- Waterwise A tool to prioritise land and water management options in large river basins based on an integrated model for hydrology, crop production and hydropower, coupled to a mathematical optimisation algorithm.