PhD candidate categories

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) recognises several types of PhD candidates.

    Employed PhD candidates

    PhD candidates who have an employment contract with Wageningen university. There are two types:

    1. PhD candidates who have a temporary PhD employment contract (usually four years full time or five years part-time) for a trajectory directed to a PhD graduation within Wageningen University & Research. They do not need to pay a tuition fee.

    2. A research employees of the university who do not yet have a PhD and for whom arrangements have been made designed to help them complete a doctoral research project.

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    Scholarship PhD candidates

    Scholarship PhD candidates received a fellowship without employment contract. These include PhD candidates in a sandwich construction who are not employed by an institute in their home country.

    Externally financed PhD candidates

    Externally financed PhD candidates are employed by an institute/organisation other than WUR. The main relation with WUR is via the supervisors. There are two different types:

    • PhD candidates appointed at an external research institute (for example Wageningen Research, NIOO, KNMI, TNO, ECN, etc) with a tempory PhD employment contract (usually four years full time or five years part-time) for a PhD trajectory directed to a PhD graduation at WU.
    • Employees appointed at an external research institute, with the possibility to follow a PhD trajectory in addition to the regular tasks connected to the employment contract. These include PhD candidates in a sandwich construction who are employed by an institute in their home country.

    External PhD candidates

    External PhD candidates (“buitenpromovendi”) do not have any funding and do their research in their own time. The main relation with WUR is via the supervisors.