Wageningen Energy Alliance
Wageningen Energy Alliance is a network community of WUR affiliated scientists, researchers and other employees which have the ambition to impact on the energy transition at local, national and world scale.
The Wageningen Energy Alliance currently consists of almost 100 researchers with proven track record and genuine interest in excellent research and education on energy-related issues within the broader WUR domain. We were founded in 2016 by an initiative of researchers from all 4 different science groups at WUR. You can access our recently published Three-Pager Energy@WUR with the link below.
Ambitions of the WUR Energy Alliance:
- Consolidate and extend the network within Wageningen University & Research (capitalize on ‘One Wageningen’ approach) by setting up a Wageningen Dialogue, Website, WUR intranet, regular meetings and electing contact persons for the three main themes. Consolidating and expanding linkages with other university, research institutes, government, private sector and civil society as key network for energy related to the life sciences, ongoing e.g. contact with NERA, Topsector, NVDE, etc.
- Increase visibility of energy research in Wageningen and to the outside world, focusing on the core strengths of WUR and the strategic programs of the involved science groups.
- Facilitate new collaboration and putting knowledge into practice with Wageningen Science groups and research institutes as well as WU facility management by means of (large) grant proposals, publications and educational activities through regular general and specific meetings on relevant energy topics and around relevant projects/calls.
We like to impact and contribute to the multi-complicit energy transition of this century with involvement of all stakeholders.
Core team
- S (Sven) Stremke
Spatial energy research - A (Annemiek) ter Heijne
Technological energy innovation - BJM (Bas) van Vliet
Governance for energy transition -
dr. M (Mattijs) Smits
Assistant Professor -
dr. JA (Coby) van Dooremalen
Team leader -
ir. JJL (Jeroen) Sluijsmans
Research Program & Project developer