PhD on Nutrient Dynamics from Field to Landscape in Regenerative Agriculture
Are you interested in a PhD focusing on the nutrient dynamics from field to landscape in Regenerative Agriculture? Working with pioneer regenerative farmers across the Netherlands, this PhD will analyse the nutrient (N, P and K) and carbon flows across a range of pioneer regenerative farm systems in the Netherlands. These farm systems will include dairy, horticulture and arable farming systems with for example agroforestry or cut and carry fertilisers, but also regional cooperation between farm systems or cooperation of farms with nature conservation organisations. The research will focus on: What are the nutrient and carbon flows on these different farming systems and where are leaks in the system? What are the options to optimise these nutrient and carbon flows and balances on farm, landscape and regional level? And assess the nutrient performance, soil and animal health, and different costs and benefits (including ecosystem services) of these systems? For more information, check
Are you interested in a PhD focusing on the role of the soil microbiome in Regenerative Agriculture? Working with pioneer regenerative farmers across the Netherlands, this PhD will investigate which combinations of practices can support a healthy multi-functional soil microbiome. This PhD will quantify the role of the soil microbiome in supporting a range of soil functions for eight different regenerative agricultural business systems, working with 40 plus regenerative farms. The research will include questions like: 1) How do different soil microbial communities contribute to multi-functionality? 2) Can we recommend different combinations of management practices to enhance the soil microbiome and associated multi-functionality? 3) What are the best microbial indicators for wider monitoring of soil health in regenerative systems?
For more information check: https://www.wur.nl/en/vacancy/phd-on-soil-microbiome-in-regenerative-agriculture.htm