NPLinker eScience Workshop on Natural Product Genome & Metabolome Mining
In 2025, we will host the second NPLinker eScience Workshop on natural product genome and metabolome mining.

The NPLinker eScience Integrative Omics Mining Workshop will be held 24 - 28 March 2025 in Wageningen, the Netherlands.
The general aims of the workshop are:
- Introduce the NPLinker framework both conceptually and hands-on
- Educate and train natural product researchers and other interested scientists
- Extend the Integrative Omics Mining Community
The workshop learning outcomes are:
- Understand the concepts of and motivations for paired omics analysis
- Apply NPLinker to a public paired omics dataset
- Understand the NPLinker scoring
- Evaluate NPLinker outcome in the web app
- Understand how to contribute to the NPLinker code base
Given the hands-on nature of the workshop, we expect you to bring a working laptop with you. We expect participants to arrive on the Monday: the program will start on Monday afternoon with an optional check-in regarding laptop, software, and paired data, and an optional social mixer. On Tuesday morning, we will start the workshop focusing on NPLinker motivation and concept, and how to prepare your data. Wednesday, we will dive into NPLinker, including the web app to visualize NPLinker results. On Wednesday March 26, there will be a mini-symposium around the them of integrative omics that all participants will join. Thursday we will handle the various modes of NPLinker and how to run it on your own data, and have parallel sessions. Thursday evening will be the workshop dinner. On Friday, we will finish around lunch time: there will be a wrap up session both looking back and forward, and you will get a packed lunch.
In the previous workshop (in 2023), we had a mix of theoretical lectures, practical tutorials, and group discussions to address the following main topics:
- Omics Data Mining, Annotation, and Clustering
- Genomics-specific & Metabolomics Specific (pre-)processing steps
- Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Approaches
- Standards & Ontologies
- Data Sharing
Linking the Genome to the Metabolome
- Strain correlation-based
- Feature-based (chemical compound class, substructure)
- NPLinker/NPOmix
- Transcriptomics and Proteomics as Phenotypes
We look back at a successful event. Online materials can be found here.

Do you need more information? If you have content-related questions, please contact the organizers by sending an email to Dr Justin van der Hooft (justin.vanderhooft@wur.nl); for logistical queries, please contact office.mb@wur.nl. The organizers are grateful to the Netherlands eScience Center (https://www.esciencecenter.nl) for financially supporting the organization of this workshop.