Information for students
Within the ENP group, our vision is to provide high quality education in the sociology and political science of environmental transformations. We aim to educate both social and natural science students, and in doing so represent the social sciences of the environment across a diversity of BSc and MSc programmes at Wageningen University.
The education programme of ENP is based on representation of our research and visibility for a wide range of students within the educational programme of Wageningen University.
The ENP Group offers courses in Environmental Policy and the Social Sciences to the Bachelors and Masters curricula of Environmental Sciences:
- Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management
- Climate Studies
- Environmental Science
- International Development Studies
- Management, Economics and Consumer Studies
- Tourism, Society & Environment
- Urban Environmental Management
Course overview
Visit the Study Handbook website for more detailed information.
Information for BSc students
BSc thesis at ENP
There are possibilities to conduct a BSc thesis at ENP. Please contact the Education Coordinator Mattijs Smits.
BSc minors coordinated by ENP
- Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Society
- Urban Environmental Management
- Environmental Policy and Management
- Policy and Governance for the Life Sciences
Information for MSc students
Filling in the intake form
Students who would like to do their MSc thesis at ENP can fill out the intake form on the basis of which the intake coordinators will allocate students every few months. You are expected to do this at least 4 months before starting the thesis. Note that you need to do some work before filling out the form by indicating three potential thesis projects. You are strongly encouraged to align yourself with one of the projects you can find under the staff profiles (which also lists PhD projects). There is the possibility for students to do something different and develop their own idea for a MSc thesis in Environmental Policy. In that case the student is strongly encouraged to come up with an elaborate (up to one-page) idea and include it in the form.
Matching with a supervisor
After you fill out the form, the thesis coordinators will try to match you with a possible supervisors for your thesis topic within the ENP group. We do so every few months, so please be patient. If you are late or you have a different question, please send an email to Erna van Ludevelde erna.vanludevelde@wur.nl explaining your situation. Note that students are only allowed to start a thesis when they have completed their Bachelors and the required ENP courses according to their Masters programme (see study handbook).
Register as thesis student
Once you have made contact with a potential supervisor, you will further select and demarcate the research subject. After that you agreed on the exact research subject, you should register as a thesis student. During the first meeting with your supervisor, you will obtain further information about the thesis trajectory and requirements. It's important to know that the proposal trajectory entails a maximum of three meetings for the proposal writing. During the remaining thesis trajectory, every text will only be read twice: in part (e.g. chapter or section) and in the context of the full draft thesis.
Ready to start your MSc thesis at ENP?
Click here to see how to register in Osiris. Additonally, fill out the forms provided (section to the right under Documents for MSc Thesis).

Internship at Environmental Policy Group
Most of the Master students who do a major thesis in the Environmental Policy Group will also do an internship under supervision of ENP. An internship can be done at various organizations, governments or firms all over the world, as long as the internship at these institutions is related to environmental governance or management. One major requirement that should be met by the internship provider is that there is guaranteed supervision on an academic level by at least one staff member of the organization.
Students are encouraged to find a suitable internship that relates to their study programme and/or career interest. Internship positions offered by organizations in the network of ENP are shared on the WCSG Thesis café Brightspace page (see ‘Internship info’ at the page. Found an internship position? Please email internship coordinator Maartje van der Knaap (maartje.vanderknaap@wur.nl) with a description of the organization, topic, type of activities, and preferred start-date. If you want a meeting to discuss internship options or other questions, ask Erna van Ludevelde (erna.vanludevelde@wur.nl) to plan a meeting with Maartje.

Information for PhD students
ENP PhD program
Over the past 5 years, the number of PhD projects has increased considerably, with researchers coming from all parts of the world. Although it is not an official requirement, many PhD researchers prior to the PhD project took part in the MSc program 'Environmental Science and Management' of Wageningen University. All PhD researchers and projects contribute directly to the research program of the ENP group and are included in the research schools SENSE or WASS. All PhD researchers have an officially approved training and supervision program. Research proposals for PhD projects are always presented to and discussed among the other members of the ENP group during so called Research Colloquia.
PhD application
Those who want to start a PhD at the Environmental Policy group at Wageningen University can find general information on the PhD application procedure on the PhD website of Wageningen University.
For more information on the ENP PhD program, please see research.
Information about ENP alumni
Specializing in environmental policy at Wageningen University provides the basis for students to work as researchers, advisors, civil servants and policy makers and development organisations. Since 2000 over 350 students have written a thesis under ENP supervision.
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