Read more about the programme - MSc Bioinformatics

There is a world-wide lack in trained Bioinformaticians resulting in long lists of positions that remain open. Some years ago Wageningen University in the Netherlands started with one of the first fully dedicated MSc curricula in Bioinformatics. Graduates are already in high demand both in industry and in academic research including medical sciences.

Focus on the practical application of Bioinformatics

At Wageningen the Bioinformatics programme focuses on the practical application of Bioinformatics. The curriculum commences with basic training in data science, programming and elementary bioinformatics tools aimed at using existing software to collect, analyze and interpret DNA and protein sequence information and statistics. These knowledge and skills are than applied in Molecular Systems Biology.

Advanced bioinformatics courses deal with structural and functional genomics, transcriptomics and DNA array technology data, proteomics and metabolomics data, as well as algorithm development and machine learning.