SLM education in BWA / MEE
SLM courses
The SLM group teaches courses in the Bachelor Soil, Water and Atmosphere (BSW) and in the Master Earth and Environment (MEE) on the topics of soil physics, covering water and solute transport in soils as well as agro- and ecohydrology. All of our courses have an SLM code and can be found in the Study Handbook.
If you have a question or if you would like to specific information about one of these courses, then please send an email to the contact person mentioned in the course information. For general information about all SLM courses and for any other type of information concerning SLM education in BSW and MEE you can contact Jos van Dam.
SLM thesis research
For BWA and MEE students SLM offers a wide variety of topics for carrying out minor and major thesis research (18-36 ects).
The thesis possibilities cover different topics from water and solute distribution / transport in soils and groundwater, through soil erosion to ecosystem services and land management. Thesis research can have a methodical emphasis on laboratory or fieldwork and analysis or modelling and can be adapted to the students prior experience and wishes.
An overview of actual potential thesis topics is given in the information booklet. There is of course also a possibility to come to us with a topic of your own interest, provided that it fits with the research field of the SLM group. In case you are interested in a specific topic from the booklet, or would like to just have a general orientation discussion about thesis research within the SLM Group, please contact Loes van Schaik.
SLM MEE Internships
Internships, where you work in a professional organisation on themes related to SLM research topics, can be arranged and supervised through SLM. Students may have different learning goals and interests for their work during an internship, therefore we also strongly recommend to actively search and create new connections. This can be an opportunity to start creating your own professional network in a field of your choice or to try out whether you enjoy working
in a certain type of organisation! In case you do arrange your own internship contacts make sure to get the approval from your university supervisor before you start.
For general information or an orientation discussion please contact Loes van Schaik.