Research Projects PHI Listed below you find the larger projects in which the Philosophy Group is involved. Click on the links to go to the project pages. Ongoing PHI projects Animal-free milk proteins This program aims to produce milk proteins without cows. Instead, we will use yeast to create a sustainable and animal-free protein alternative with... Anthropocene Ethics: Taking animal agency seriously Recent advances in scientific research on animal consciousness and the philosophy of animal minds have called into question the sharp division between... Kweekvlees als nieuwe optie voor boeren? Bij dit project staat de vraag naar de mogelijke betrokkenheid van huidige vleesproducenten (in de eerste plaats boeren, maar ook vleesindustrie en... Responsible care in times of antimicrobial resistance Emerging antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in one of the grand challenges for modern medicine and health care. Simple infectious that could be easily... Welfare Improvement through Nudging Knowledge (WINK) The WINK project is a joint project of Utrecht University and Wageningen University and it investigates the merits of nudging as a promising and... Justice and Health People in lower socio-economic classes on average have shorter lives and are less healthy than people in higher socio-economic classes and this raises... Ethics of preventing infections in transfusion blood The Philosophy group collaborates with the Netherlands blood services organization, Sanquin, to explore ethical issues in relation to blood safety. Linkedin Whatsapp Twitter Email