WDCC News Q3: Data Science Education
WUR is exploring the idea of offering to BSc students more education in Data Science. There is already a Data Science BSc Minor which consists of existing set of Data Science courses. However there is a belief that more tailored education programme is needed. WDCC was asked to perform a quick scan and consultation to come to an advice about potential solutions. The exploration and consultation are still going on. The potential scenarios that are being discussed include a new separate programme or specializations within existing BSc programs. We hope that the exact scope and and the implementation scenario will become clear very soon.
WDCC together with Wageningen Academy is preparing a 2 day seminar on Data Driven Biodiversity. Biodiversity is an important theme not only for WUR but also for different organization dealing with water, soil, forests and animal life. We think that new technologies, specifically related to data science and artificial intelligence, offer new possibilities to explore and potentially solve the challenges related to biodiversity. In this 2 day seminar we want to share and inspire the participants by showing them data related methods and techniques and demonstrate how those can be applied in the biodiversity themes. More information about the seminar can be found here
In September we started the 2nd season of Data Science lunch meetings and seminars for researchers who are curious in Data Science and AI applications in WUR domains. Aalt-Jan van Dijk and Lukasz Grus started on September 6 with a lunch meeting, and on September 22nd Nick Brummans welcomed almost 20 participants of the workshop on Image Data recognition. The second workshop on tabular data classification will take place on October 6.