Funding & Financial Support
Once admitted to the PhD programme Wageningen University & Research (WUR) offers an education backpack of 3500 EUR to PhD candidates that are formally admitted to the PhD programme (approved TSP and Project proposal in prep or approved) and will defend their thesis at Wageningen University & Research.
There are many places where one can apply for funding to finance a PhD. Please check the webpages of these funders for up-to-date information on calls.
Erasmus+ travel fellowships available for Wageningen PhD candidates
Erasmus+ fellowships can be used to contribute to the costs for travel and stay, for example for travel to attend a PhD course or to visit to a research group at a university or scientific institute in Europe. The fellowships may be used in combination with other, non-EU, travel fellowships such as the travel fellowships of your graduate school.
Erasmus distinguishes visits 1 - 60 days and visits from 60 days – one year. Budgets for travel and stay vary per visited country.
Should you be interested in receiving one of these fellowships for your visit, please contact erasmus.studentexchange@wur.nl or phone one of the contact persons at the student exchange office.
Organisations with various funding opportunities:
- NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)
- The European Commission
- International Foundation for Science
- KNAW (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences)
- NUFFIC (Netherlands organization for international cooperation in higher education)
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) PhD Funding