Master thesis
A Master thesis with the CPT section allows you to become an expert in a specific area of the innovation and communication arena that is closely linked to your personal interest and future career. Under close supervision of a staff member you will thoroughly engage in a full research cycle.
Selecting a topic
The first step in working on a master thesis is the selection of a topic. You can either develop your own topic or select an available topic from the CPT section. Please note that the topic of your thesis must always be approved by your supervisor.
You are advised to choose a topic that is close to the research being carried out by the chair group, to ensure suitable supervision and guidance. As soon as you have made up your mind, contact the thesis coordinator. After discussing the possible topic(s) and completed courses, they can direct you to a possible supervisor.
If you need some inspiration, here are some options:
- Check the available topics on Brightspace
- Attend CPT thesis colloquia of fellow students
- Check the fields of interest of our staff in our online magazine
- Have a look at the list of previous thesis topics