Education of the Water Resources Management Group
In our teaching, students gain knowledge on the interlinkages between water, society and technology. The majority of the courses offered by WRM Group focus directly on the design and performance of irrigated agriculture at field, scheme and catchment level, from both technical and social (governance) perspectives. Moreover, an increasing number of WRM courses looks at rural-urban water linkages, world food trade, water justice and water allocation for other water uses such as hydropower and mining in a cross-disciplinary manner.
The WRM group teaches courses as part of the International Land and Water Management bachelor and master study programmes. All courses are taught in English. Master courses are particularly relevant for students of the Water, Society and Technology specialisation. For further information on the WRM courses and specializations, please contact the Education Coordinator Alex Bolding.
Thesis and internship
The WRM Group offers a number of ready-made theses (TIP). Furthermore, each January, the WRM Group together with the Soil Physics and Land Management Group (SLM) organize an internship and thesis fair for BSc students where available opportunities are presented. A similar fair is organized with the SLM Group and Water System and Global Change Group (WSG) for MSc students. These fairs can also serve as sources of inspiration for similar internships or thesis projects with other organizations and/or in different countries that students can organize on their own initiative. For further information on internships and thesis opportunities, please contact Bert Bruins.
Master courses
- WRM-30806 Water Delivery
- WRM-31306 Political Ecology of Water
- WRM-32306 Research Approaches to Land and Water Management
- WRM-33806 Gender and Natural Resources Management
- WRM-34306 Water System Design for Water Use from Multiple Sources
- WRM-34806 Water, Society & Technology - concepts and debates
- WRM-50806 Drainage of Agricultural Lands
- WRM-51304 Emotions in Debates on Natural Resources
- WRM-60309 Sustainable Land and Water Management in Spain
- ENP-37306 Water Governance: Concepts and Practices
- SLM-30306 Issues and Concepts in International Land and Water Management
Bachelor courses
- WRM-10306 Irrigation and Water Management
- WRM-12803 Orientation on International Land & Water Management
- WRM-21312 Design in Land and Water Management 2
- WRM-51806 Environmental Justice in Practice
- SLM-11303 Exploring Professional Practices
- CPT-11806 Technology, Development and Natural Resources
- SLM-10806 Design in Land and Water Management 1
- SLM-20306 Land and Water Engineering
- YRM-21306 Research Methodology for Human Environment Interactions
For more infrormation of the Bachelor and Master Courses, please visit the course catalogue.