Business Economics EU and other International projects
The Business Economics group is participating in different International projects and consortia. Below you will find the list of projects including the link to the corresponding websites.
List of EU and other International projects

Sustainable Application of MicroBiome Applications in the Food System
Toward SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing Systems (SURE-FARM)

MyToolbox-'Safe Food and Feed through an Integrated Toolbox for Mycotoxin Management' is a project which goes beyond the field-to-fork approach to reduce moulds and mycotoxins in the food and feed chains. Website

Development of new integrated strategies for prevention, control and monitoring of epizootic poultry diseases HEALTHY POULTRY Website

The impacts of CAP reform on the employment levels in rural areas CARERA

System for Environmental and Agricultural Modelling; Linking European Science and Society SEAMLESS

Theoretical Developments and Empirical Measurement of the External Costs of Pesticides TEAMPEST

Enhancements of Pest Risk Analysis Techniques PRATIQUE Website

EU Food Industry Dynamics and Methodological Advances FOODIMA

Income stabilisation