Study programme - MSc Forest and Nature Conservation
The MSc Forest and Nature Conservation programme (MFN) is a two year programme, starting in September or February. The first year consists of course work and the academic master cluster. The second year is divided into the thesis research project and academic internship. The programme is individually tailored to your interests and requirements.

Year 1
In the first year, you take a number of compulsory courses (CS) and restricted optional courses (RO) of the common part and specialisation of your study programme. The compulsory courses and restricted optional courses depend on your background, the specialisation you choose and your future ideas. You have to select one of the three specialisations.
Additionally you can choose electives from any other MSc programme offered at Wageningen University or at another academic institution.
You complete the 1st year with the academic master cluster (6-12 ects). Together with your study adviser, you adjust your individual programme to your own interests, wishes and needs, your programme is truly tailor-made.
A general overview of your 1st year:
- Compulsory courses from the common part: 0-12 ects
- Compulsory and restricted optional courses for your specialisation: 18-24 ects
- Academic Master Cluster: 6-12 ects
- Electives: 12-30 ects
Year 2
Your 2nd year you will work on your own research project, your individual MSc thesis of 36 ects (24 weeks) and do an academic internship of 24 ects (16 weeks) at an external organisation.